Chapter 2

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Rose, stretching her legs out, wakes up and sits up on her bed.
"Ughhh.... What day is it?" She grabbed her phone and pushed her newly pin-straight hair back and out of her face. She clicked the button and peered at her very cracked screen. Sunday, 10:58. Rose sat up and wrapped herself with her fluffy cover. Why do I have to get up on a Saturdayyyyy... She thought, flopping back down. She picked up her phone again and texted her mother. She'll probably be awake. It should be 12 pm in New York.. She typed a short message into her screen.

Good night, Mami. I tell Papi I say good night, and I love you both. By the way, I have good news. When you wake up text me so I can call you. Love you.

It read in Spanish. Rose exhaled and rolled out of bed, going to her closet. "What should I wear today?" She says in a singsong voice to herself while opening her closet.
She picks up her favorite lightwash jeans and a pretty thick-strapped blouse that was a pale blue color. Rose pulled on the jeans and the shirt and squat down, taking out a pair of chesnut brown strappy flats and slipping them on. She closed the closet and looked at herself in the mirror, posing a little. I love this shade of blue. She thought, sitting at her little desk and painting similar shades of brown on her eyelids with the Modern Renaissance palette, lining her eyes with a gel liner from maybelline, and putting a little lip gloss. And of course, she didn't forget about her favorite golden highlighter from the Balm.
"Okay.. I look awesome." She smiles and bats her lashes at her reflection, blowing a kiss. If people could see me... She giggled and started to walk out, grabbing her phone, wallet and make-up bag and put them in a small purse. She slipped on a long beige cardigan and walked out.
Rose went over to the bus stop and caught the next bus, which left her by the skyscraper she was hired in. She walked into the Starbucks down the block and looked around for Tomoko.
"Rose-chan, over here!" She looked over to her left and see Tomoko in a pretty floral dress at a table for 2. Rose walked over and took a seat across from her, smiling.
"Good morning, Miura-san." She combed her fingers through her long hair.
"Morning, Rose-chan. You're so distant! Please call me Tomoko!" Rose half-chuckled and nodded somewhat sheepishly.
"Okay, Tomoko.. -san." Tomoko smiled, taking a breath. Oh no... Thought Rose, mentally sighing.
"So, take a seat, I will go over your responsibilities and what not to do." She exhaled the rest of the breath in a sigh, and her tone was notably more serious. Rose, shocked at the sudden character change, sat down and put her purse in her lap. Tomoko flashes a small smile when they make eye contact, but then starts talking. "Okay, so Rose-chan, you probably have one of the easier hard jobs in a company in general. Depending on how the boss treats you, you're not hunched over a screen all day. You will be taken to his meetings, traveling with him, and organizing his time for him. This is not a job to be taken lightly, alright? You're on probation, but only for but 60 days. Because of all your assets, you were rewarded. Usually you don't get off of probation until 3-6 months after you've started working. And guess who's watching you!" Tomoko shook her hands like jazz hands and grinned.
    "Uh... thank you..?" Rose furrowed her eyebrows, rubbing the baby hairs by her hairline. That's all up my lane, I guess... She thought. "So, um... is there anything else?"
    "Ah, yes. By signing the contract, you have been sworn to confedentiality. If you are seen responsible for any information leaking out at all, you will be sued and fired. That's pretty much it." Tomoko shrugged and nodded. "Prez is a good guy.."
Rose pursed her lips slightly and rested her chin in her palm, her stomach grumbling a little.

  "I'm gonna grab a coffee. Be right back." She got up and walked over to the line. Right, and there's that party coming up too... She sighed and thought about how much money she'd have to spend on a dress and other things she lacks in her wardrobe. That's what I get for dropping everything and coming to Japan.. She reached the front of the long line and ordered quickly to keep the line moving. The cashier looked at her gratefully and told her she'd drop off her coffee. Rose thanked her and payed, returning to her seat after. Tomoko looked up from her iPhone only when Rose spoke.    "About this party... What should Iー"
"Leave it to me! Let's go shopping today!!"
Tomoko grinned brightly, putting her phone in her little purse and standing up. She turned and walked towards the door, expecting Rose to follow her. Rose sighed softly and picked up the table quickly, throwing out their trash and then picking up her purse and following Tomoko. She took out her phone and checked the time. It's already 5 to 12.. Well, I don't really mind going shopping all day, I have nothing to do anyways. She said mentally. Tomoko pulled out her car keys and told Rose to wait, that she'd bring around the car.
"Mhmm." Rose nodded and stood there in front of the Starbucks, staring at the clouds. She crossed her legs and held her bag in front of her, leaning her weight to the left a bit. A random thought was suddenly bolded in her head.
I wonder what that man is up to...
Rose remembered the man from the elevator. She recalled his handsome face and shook her head, her cheeks warming up a bit.
It was a random thought for sure but..
She replayed the scene in her head, going over all the details in her mind. Somehow, she'd remembered even some minor and insignificant things from that time. Before she could analyze it any further, Tomoko pulled up in a little blue Honda Civic. Rose got in, - on the right side of course, since the Japanese cars were different from American cars -

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