A Wild Escape *Complete*

Start from the beginning


            When Ashton finished his homework, he was already exhausted. He looked at his clock.

Only eight?

He jumped at the crash of glass breaking from downstairs. He had enough. He needed an escape bigger than the water outside his house. He called Charlie.

“Hey…um… I need a-“

“Hook up?” Charlie cut him off. “Okay, meet me at the peer, I’ll bring all I have.”

Ashton shook. He crawled out his window and walked to the peer. He took some pot from Charlie. At first he was uncomfortable, but quickly felt himself getting more and more comfortable. He felt himself slip away. The world suddenly became calmer. Just what he wanted.

            Ashton woke up on the beach, feeling a great amount of regret. He couldn’t go back in time though, and it was only once.

It’s not that bad…right? It’s not like Mom and…Father will find out. Father wouldn’t care anyway.

“Hey!” Charlie popped out of nowhere.

Ashton responded with a scream. “Dude! What the hell!?”

“So I’m going to practice surfing. But I’m going to practice high! How cool is that!?”

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows and got up. “Not at all.” He said as he brushed the sand off of himself, in a worse mood than before he took the drugs. “Don’t drown. I’m going back inside.” Ashton walked back into his house. He sat in his room and occasionally looked out his window to watch out for Charlie. If Charlie was high, he had a great chance of drowning.


            Charlie, while high, got onto his surf board, and paddled into the water. He waited on his board for a really good wave, but there was barley a bump in the water. Calm day. Charlie’s eyes widened as he saw a shark. He was panicking.

Is that really a shark!? Am I just imagining this!?

Charlie fell off his board and started thrashing around. He was taking in deep breaths, some filled with water. His lungs started to fill with water.


            Ashton fell asleep looking out for Charlie, but was soon awoken by his mom shaking him.

Ashton peeled open his eyes and sat up. “What, Mom?” His voice was crackly.

“Sweetie,” His mom started, sounding very apologetic. Tears started to fill her eyes. “I’m so sorry!” She grabbed Ashton and forced him into her grip. She hugged him tightly as she sobbed.

“Mom…” He panicked. He grabbed her tightly. “What happened?”

“Charlie drowned baby. Someone found him struggling to breathe. No one knows what happened. They look for signs of someone drowning him…but he was alone. He had no cuts or bruises. I’m so sorry baby!”

            Ashton’s world just cam crashing down. His best friend just died.

I should have been watching!

Even though Charlie did drugs, and he let Ashton do them, he was a really good friend. He was someone Ashton knew he could always go to if he needed someone. Ashton went to Charlie when his parents fought, when he had girl troubles. Charlie was always there…and now he could never be there.

“NO!” Ashton screamed. “Why are you lying to me?” He calmed down.

It’s all a joke, a cruel joke, but a joke.

“Mom.” He spoke firmly. “That’s not funny. Why would you ever make up something like that?”

“Sweetie, I’m not. Mommy isn’t making this up. I’m so sorry.” She kissed him on his forehead.

Ashton pushed her away. “Go. I don’t want to see you.”

His mom slowly got up and left his room.

            Reality started to sink in. He needed his best friend back. Ashton started to cry, he never cried. Then he heard his parents fighting, and he thought it couldn’t get any worse.

”Don’t let him push you around like that!” His father screamed.

“But his friend just died. Don’t be mad at him.” His mom desperately tried to calm his father down; she was still crying.

            Ashton couldn’t take it anymore. He needed an escape, and fast. An escape wilder than drugs, bigger than the ocean. An escape to Charlie. Without his board, Ashton, walked into the water with no intention on coming back.

(A.N.- Just thought I'd write a little short story for you guys; what do you think? (:  )

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