Against All Odds (In search of happiness)

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*10 years earlier*

"Stop LET me GO!!" I couldn't handle watching the one person I Loved be slowly placed 6 feet under. "Why God Why!!" I screamed.

"EARTH TO LASHEA!! HELLO!!" I blinked my eyes and was slowly pulled back to reality, when I heard my best friend calling me. "Lashea are you ok?? you seem out of it" Yasmine said truly concerned about her best friend.

"Huh umm yea" Was all I could say to keep me from crying all over again. Today marked 10 years since my dad was gun downed right in front of me. The imagine still runs fresh in my mind to this day.


" It was May 25, 1998 the last day of school and I was too anxious to get home and start my summer vacation. I was standing in front of the school waiting for my mother to come pick me up. She told me before I left that she had a surprise for me. And me being the candy loving kid I was I was hoping it was a trip to our favorite candy store down town. But nothing could have prepared me for this! I saw my mom's 1998 Nissan Sentra and ran over to it as quickly as possible and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was on the passenger side. It was the love of my life and man of my dreams!! Mr. Robert Austin, standing at a good 6 foot 5 inches Carmel with a body that will make any woman want him. But that's not what got me it was that smile of his that made everything ok. He stepped out the car and I ran straight into his arms and cried. I hadn't seen my dad in over 6 months even though we talked everyday I missed the heck OUT of that man.



"LASHEA WATCH OUT" I heard someone scream. But when I looked up it was to late. BAM!! I ran smacked dead into Jeremy Thomas better know as JT. "Omg! I'm so sorry" I said turning red in the face and looking down in embarrassment. " "It's cool Ma" I heard him say and smile showing off his pearly white teeth. "Sorry" I said again before walking off. I was on my way to pick up my cap and gown from my guidance counselor since I was out sick when they came in. I had no clue he was in front of me because I was so engrossed in my thoughts. "Stupid, stupid" I said to myself and I knocked on Mrs. Thorpe's office.


"WOW" I said to myself as I watched the girl of my dreams walk away. Man she had to be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on besides my mom's.

If only she knew how bad I want to make her mine. (SMH) I guess I can be a tad bit intimidating seeing as though I'm WANTED by every college in these 50 States. Hell the NBA wants me but being as though I'm only in high school they can't have me. (shrugs) Oh Well.. Nothing matters to me right now except making Lashea Nicole Austin my wife one day.


"Hey Ms. Thorpe How are you today?" I asked being as nice as possible even though I can't stand this lady Ugh!

" I'm great Ms. Austin here take a seat" she said. Why must that lady always call me by my last name (Smh) I'm ready to go already.

" I just stopped by to get my cap and gown. After that I can be on my way and out your hair" I said and put on a fake smile.

"oh dear your such a sweet girl you could never get on my nerves" she said. Oh but you sure can get on my last damn nerve! I thought and laughed in my head.

"Here you go dear" she said while handing me my cap and gown. "Thanks" I said getting up ready to go because I couldn't stand to be here any longer. " Wait a second Ms. Austin" I heard her say when I touched the door knob. "Damn what is it now" I thought.

"Mrs. Hardy wanted me to congratulate you on being picked as valedictorian of your class." She said and smiled genuinely happy for me.

I stood there with my mouth wide open and tears in my eyes. "Wha-what did you just say" I stuttered

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