Frost Bite [Love is Blind]-Chapter 1

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"Girl, your hair looks great today,Annah!" My best friend, Glory Bennett said. But I wouldn't know if my hair looks great. I wouldn't even know what color pants I am wearing right now. I haven't seen the light of day or the brightness of the moon,ever. I haven't seen a thing a day in my life.

I have been blind since I was three months old. I don't remember any of those glorious days of sight. Since I was little I have been through a infinte number of laser eye surgeries that promise to give me my sight back. None of them have succecded.

From my mother's persisentence, I still act like a normal seventeen year old girl. I go shopping and go to dances.But not without my handy cane. I hate that cane. It shows people I'm different,maybe even odd. I have used a cane for most of my life,except while I am at school.Which brings us to today.A ordinary day at Emerson High School in Des Plaines, Illinois.

It's first period. Our teacher Mr. Birkway is going on and on about Helen Keller. Right now I wish I was deaf too. My suffering ends as the

bell rings. I grip my cane and stand up. Glory grabs my hand and leads me out of the classroom. I hear the sounds of rowdy teenagers in the halls. I listen to the guys whistling at hot chicks.They are some sickos. Glory pulls me into the loud cafeteria. She sits me down at a random table and gets our lunch out.

"Annah," She says. "You need to go to that party tonight"

I make a face.I hate parties.Everyone is always drinking and I end up tripping over someone.

"Come on, It'll be fun!" Glory said."I'll make you look pretty!"

I shook my head."You know I don't care about looking pretty" I don't care about how I look since I can't see it myself.

"True" Glory said. "But you....." she trailed off

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Don't speak" Glory whispered.

Suddenly, I hear the sounds of high heels clacking on the floor.They clack for a few more seconds and stop next to me."Hello,Annah" a girls voice says

"Umm,Hi?" I saw. Who in the world are these chicks?

"My name is Sydney Benson and I would like to invite you my party tonight in the woods. It is like a glamour camp.My friends Victora Fitzgerald and Miranda Owens are the hostesses.I hope you can come" Sydney said and walks away.Her heels clacking in her midst.

"Who in the hell was that chick?" I ask Glory.

Glory squeals. "That was the most popular girl in the school and she just invited you to the most exclusive party of the year! What are you gonna wear? I'll pick out your clothes. Want me to come with you? Pretty pretty please?!"

I shook my head." I don't even know if I'm going to that party. I don't even know those chicks." I said.

Glory huffed." You have to go and take me with you. This is a once in a lifetime for your high school experience!"

I sighed. "Well fine we can go"

Glory squealed." Yay!! I'm gonna wear a pair of dark skinny jeans and...." she babbled on. I zoned out as she continued to talk about the party. I got invited to a party. By popular girls. What's the catch? Let's face it, I'm not the sweetest apple on the tree. I have no idea why Sydney Benson invited me to her party, but I want to find out


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2011 ⏰

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Frost Bite [Love is Blind]-Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now