Chapter two( the longer shift)

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I was walking to math class when I got a text it was from my boss btw I work at the auto parts store.
Boss$$~~Hey can you come in early today and finish late because we have another recruit and randy will not be here tonight.

Me~~um sure what times


Me~~whoa ok holly shit I better get an extra 15 dollars then

Boss$$~~yeah ok sure

Me~~ alright by

I put my phone away and and turned the corner then I saw a plaque that said room 379 Mr. Blanchered. I walked in the class room and noticed that everyone was in there which meant I was the one that was late. Well shit. I was trying to tip toe to my seat when it all the sudden went quiet and I heard a tapping noise and I looked at the teacher who was tapping his foot I then closed my eyes real tight and he said

"Just a tad late Ms Anderson"
I looked at the clock and I was 30 minutes late!!! Holly fuck I'm in some deep shit. He then said
"This is the 8th time you have been Late so have to send you to the office......again"

He 'tried' to say the last part quietly. But I heard it all the way across the room so of course every one had to be immature and say oooohhhhh. I just turned around and walked out of the room but I set my bookbag down at the desk I sit at because I don't want to walk with it. Cause I'm lazy.
As I was walking to the office I felt a burning sensation on the back of my legs and I fell backwards and my head hit the floor hard and I got dizzy and every thing went black.

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