Chapter 14: Grave Robbers?

Start from the beginning

"Why? You were drooling all over Chad, just 30 minutes ago?" Levi said as he rolled his eyes. If I didn't know Levi, I would think he almost sounded jealous. I shook my head I didn't have time for this now. "Shut up! Come up with another solution." I pleaded.

"How the hell do you expect me to get you out of a six foot deep hole?" "I don't know! Just get me the hell out of here!" I waved my hands around frantically. Levi sighed "Okay, wait here I will go get a rope or something to pull you out." I rolled my eyes. "Where am I going to go? I'm stuck in this hole." I watched Levi leave and sighed.

Two seconds later Levi ran back. "You couldn't have possibly-" I heard the shutter sound from his phone as he took a photo of me. I narrowed my eyes up at him. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." Levi gave me a smile and ran off.


An hour and a half later Levi finally returned with a long rope made for rock climbing. "Finally." I said standing back on my feet. "Really, do you know what I had to go through to get this?" He gave me a death glare and I tried to repress my laugh. His death glare looked like he got bad plastic surgery. His lips were pursed and his eyes were squinted, instead of narrowed. "No, but I'm sure you're dying to share."

He narrowed his eyes down at me. "Don't sass me darling." I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. I began laughing uncontrollably, which only seemed to irritate Levi more. "I really don't think you're in a position to laugh at me." I calmed down enough to respond. "I'm sorry, you're right, but don't sass me darling sounded so weird! And your face when you try to glare-" I began laughing all over again.

"You know what, you can stay down there. I am leaving to get some lunch." Levi walked away, leaving me alone yet again. "Wait! I'm sorry. Please help me!" I said and put on my best puppy dog pout. Levi walked back over and stared down at me.

"Fine, just take the damn rope and I will pull you up." Levi threw the rope down at me and nearly smacked me in the head with it. "Hey! Be careful!" I yelled up to him. He gave me an evil smile. "Jerk." I whispered under my breath. "What was that?" Levi smirked. "Nothing." I grumbled out. I tied the rope around my waist and made sure it was tight.

"Pull me up!" I yelled up. "Okay, you are going to have to scale the wall a bit." I nodded and felt the rope pull upwards. I began scaling the wall like Levi said. I was working my way up the wall slowly, when I heard Levi shout from above. "Could you go a little faster darling?"

"I'm trying, I'm not really the greatest with heights, okay." I heard Levi laugh. "The fearless wave, who danced on a bar is afraid of heights?" I could just see him shaking his head while laughing. "Shut up! I have my reasons."

"I'm sorry, but for a girl who has shown alot of bravery during this whole adventure, it just amazes me. I mean seriously heights are little concern, compared to having security guards chasing us." I let out a laugh at the memory. "I guess your right, but I don't think I will be getting over this fear anytime soon." I looked up and realized I was almost to the top.

"I'm almost at the top!" "Good, because I can feel my hands slipping." "Don't say that!" I yelled and stopped moving. Levi chuckled "I'm just kidding, but still hurry up." I continued climbing up the wall slowly.

After three minutes I finally reached the top of the hole. I pulled myself out and laid on my back. "Thank-you, I hate to say it but I owe you." I smiled up at Levi from the ground. I took Levi's outstretched hand and waited for him to pull me up from my position on the ground. He pulled me up quickly and I dusted myself off. "By the way, you have a huge bugger in your nose." I walked by and smacked his shoulder.

"Ugh, gross Wave. Let's get back on task." "Are you not going to get it?" I snickered to myself. I watched as his face went red. "With what? I'm not picking my nose!" Levi shook his head.

"Fine whatever, but just know that when you breathe out of your nose I can see it move." I laughed out loud and walked over to the oldest grave I found. I turned to see Levi trying to blow the bugger out of his nose. He was plugging one of his nostrils, while he blow out of his nose really hard.

"Um, are you done yet? Can we get back on task?" I watched as Levi blushed a deep red. "Don't say a word to anyone." He gave me his horrible glare and walked to stand beside me. "That's older then the ones I found." He nodded. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the grave. The grave was from the 1930s and was of the founder of Sandy Bay.

"Well, its four o'clock and I'm starving lets go eat." I began walking back towards the car. "I'm not." It was my turn to glare at Levi. "Did you already eat? Is that what took you so long with the rope?" I stopped and stared him down. Levi began looking everywhere and anywhere except my face. He scratched his head, as if he was thinking really hard. "Um, well... you see-" I held up my hand to silence him. "I am going to pretend, we didn't have this conversation." I continued walking again.

"So you never told me what exactly you had to go through to get the rope?" I asked as we slide into the Jeep. "Oh yeah! I was sneaking around my garage looking for our rock climbing rope-" "Wait you go rock climbing?" I interrupted quickly.

"Yes, don't interrupt me. Anyway, as I was digging around my brat sister came out and threaten to tell my parents. I said I would pay her five dollars to keep her mouth shut, and apparently she didn't like that offer and screamed her head off until my parents came running. I then had to lie to my parents and tell them Jeremy and I were going climbing. Then I got hungry, and my mom made me lunch." He smiled at me and I smacked him on the arm. He rubbed it and gave me a dirty look.

"What was that for?" He pouted. "Because you ate a home cooked meal, while I suffered in a six feet deep hole!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, McDonalds on me?" He gave me a cheeky smile.

I smacked him in the arm again. "Stop doing that!" He yelled at me. "You owe me a steak dinner damn it!" I yelled right back. He rolled his eyes. "Fine, but were going to my house." What did I get myself into.


OH MY GOD! Let me just say I have been stressed the hell out over school. That is why this chapter is so late, I apologize immensely. Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoy this chapter. It is more of a filler, and sadly the next one will probably be too. I promise to try and update faster, but with my program it is hard, because I get swamped with assignments. So please like, comment and all that jazz. Thank you xoxo

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