10-I know everything

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I'm sitting on my bed, deciding what to where to the party that one of the populars is holding. I'm going with charlie but he isn't coming till eight and its seven thirty and I'm ready. I go through my contacts on my phone and stop at James. I hover over the message button. I don't know why I want to message him. I have a boyfriend, but it couldn't hurt anyone, could it? I decide to message him. 'Hi, James, I know everything and I'm sorry' I wait five minutes and here my phone go off but then there was a knock at the door. I put my phone in my bag and go to the door, knowing it's Charlie. I greet Charlie with a hug and we set off to the party. Twenty minutes later we make it and I see a ton off people from my school, including James. I look over to him, and he looks straight back. Charlie must have seen him, because he pulls me in the oppisite direction to the drinks table.

I watch as Charlie pulls Riley to the drinks table, giving her a drink, grabbing one himself. Thirty minutes later, Riley walks past, completly out of it. Its been thirty minutes and she has had one drink? How does that work, she walks past, smiling at me then walks away. I stand there on my own, I don't really know anyone. I decide to go to the bathroom, to get some peace, away from everyone. I open the door and see Charlie in there, putting pills into the drink that he gave to Riley.

James: Is that your plan to win your girlfriend?

Charlie: What are you doing up here?

James: Why are you drugging Riley

Charlie: Come on, she needs to lighten up sometimes

James: You have no idea what she has been through

Charlie: So what, she is my girlfriend not yours

James: You wait until I tell her

Charlie: You betta not

James: Or what

Charlie: Or I will makeyour life a misery

James: I would like to see you try

I see Charlies fist come at my face, making my lip bleed. I walk out the bathroom and back down stairs. I look around for Riley and spot her drinking her other drink. I run over to her and take the bottle out of her hand. 'Jaaamesss' I look at Riley 'No Riley, you have had enough okay?' She nods her head and walks away to her friends. I leave the house and walk home. I don't want to leave Riley with Charlie but what other choice do I have. I enter my house and see my dad on the sofa

James: Hey, I'm home

James' dad: Hi, how was the....what happened to your lip?

James: Nothing...I just fell

I make my way upstairs and lay on my bed. I need to tell Riley about what Charlie is doing, but even if I did she wouldn't believe me

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