Chapter 4

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Lisa's P.O.V.

We fell asleep in wolf form and woke up still in wolf forms. I went to get up but I was chained to something. When I turned to look around I was in a type of cell and Grant was in it with me but he wasn't chained up.

'Grant wake up' I said thought mind link.

'Why' he asked.

'We are in a cell and I'm chain to something' I said and he shot up.

'What the.... This is our packs cells.' He says.

'What!' I said. Then I heard someone coming down the stairs.

When the person was down I noticed it was Ryan. One of the guards.

"Well looks like your awake." Ryan said.

'Really Ryan' I said. He looked shocked.

"Lisa?" He asked.

'Yeah and that is alpha Grant' I said motioning to Grant. Who look really mad.

"Sorry didn't know." He said.

'Well use your nose!' I said.

"My nose is stuffed up from that cold." Ryan said.

'Oh yeah.' I said.

He got the keys and unlocked the cell and let us out.


The day went by fast. When I was over I went to bed with grant.


Sorry i haven't update on a while an sorry it was short.

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