Loving my best friend

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I walk into first period, nervous for the first day of school. I haven't seen my best friend since school ended last summer, and I've already heard whispers. While the truth behind their opinions on the fast transition are completely hilarious, it's what they all say that shocks me. My best friend, handsome, no way! There is no way that a dorky, wimpy kid can change into a handsome, strong jock over the span of less than 3 months. I see my best friend waving at me, though it takes a minute to realize that it's him. He's started to have showings of a mustache on his face and he has tons of muscle. The boy who could barely carry his backpack, could probably now carry the whole cheer-leading squad. "Hey Zach." I say once I manage to squeeze past all of the monsters crowed around him, drool dripping down there faces like a baby whose teething. I hear Chloe, the captain of the squad, scoff and storm off, the rest of the monsters following suite. "Hey Charlotte, long time no sea, eh, eh?" He says, still being the same dork he was, trying to make a funny pun about the fact we live by the ocean. My heart melts a little bit more. I've had a strange facination with him since the 9th grade that wasn't very friend-like. His dorky jokes always made me laugh no matter how awful. His laugh and smile made me light up like a Christmas tree. His simple, friendly touches made me feel something more. His presence in general made butterflies swarm in my stomach. Later that night, I decided that I needed to write my feelings down somewhere, so I did. 'You amaze me. How can you not see my feelings for you? I've loved you for so long, and you've never noticed. You never noticed that your dorkieness makes me laugh just because it's coming from your beautiful lips. That your smile makes me want to make you smile like that towards me. That your laugh makes me feel lighter inside. That your touch makes butterflies swarm in my stomach. Though I feel all of these things, because of my fear, we are still just best friends.' Though it wasn't the best piece, I still post it on my account on Wattpad. I didn't use my real name, so no one should be able to tell that it's me, right?

The next day, I get a text from Zach at 6 in the morning, though it's a fun-flipping saturday. He tells me to meet him at the park and to dress comfy. Realizing that this could be my chance, I wear my nicest pair of sweatpants and my favorite hoodie. I brush through my crazy, blue and purple hair that's sticking up in all directions. I throw on some mascara and chapstick. Then, I grab my phone and keys, beginning the walk to the park. As I enter the park gates, I see Zach's figure pacing in front of a bench. I hesitate, nervous to show myself, then take a deep breath, walking forward. Zach turns around, as if he could sense my presence. Or maybe my heart was beating as loud as I thought it was. "I have to tell you something." We both blurt out at high speeds. "You go first," I say, gesturing to him. He nods and opens his mouth and then closes it, as if trying to figure out what to say. "I... I'm not sure how to say this, but... I meet this amazing girl over the summer... and I think I'm in love with her..." The rest of his words fade into the blackness that surrounds me. I should've gone first, I should've gone first, I should've gone first, repeats over and over again in my head. My stomach starts to hurt and I can feel my whole world crumbling. I want to tell him to break it off, that no one could love him the way I do. I say something that completely surprises me, "I'm happy for you. I hope the two of you work out, but I must be going now." Then I rush off home slamming my bedroom door shut. I sit on my bed and cry, heartbroken and depressed. I go onto Wattpad and make a new short story/poem. 'I thought that maybe you could love me too. But now I know that isn't true. Now all I can do is cry, I almost want to die. My heart no longer has a reason to beat, though I know you didn't cheat. For you were never mine, now I feel like Frankenstine. My heart slows down as my tears speed up. Why can't they both just stop? I'm broken beyond repair, though I'm sure no one could care.' I lay on my bed after publishing my story, crying my heart out. This is what I get for loving my best friend.

I dedicated this story to Contests-Rants because I wrote this story for the contest that I entered this in. The majority of these stories will probably be on here because of contests. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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