Chapter 2

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I opened the front door, toed off my shoes, threw my jacket onto the hanger, and then turned to see Scott sitting on the couch. I walked over sitting next to him.

"You went to the fence didn't you." He mumbled.

"Actually, I went over the fence." I said proudly.

"What the hell, Stiles!" He yelled.

"Bro, calm down. It was super cool."

"Your dad is going to kill you."

"My dad isn't going to find out." I said pointing my finger at him.

"I hate you." Scott mumbled.

"I saw a guy over there."

"A guy?"

"Yeah, he came out of like nowhere. We talked."

"Are you sure you weren't just hallucinating?"

I laughed "No Scott, I wasn't hallucinating. He was real. His names Derek. I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow."

"Oh hell no. You aren't going back."

"Last time I checked you weren't my boss. I'm going back."

"I'll tell your dad."

"I'm so scared." I said getting up. "Why do you care anyways? It's not like I'm making you come with me."

"You could get hurt Stiles. Besides the fact that its kind of ILLEGAL."

"Awh, you care." I rolled my eyes walking to the kitchen.

"Of coarse I care dumbass." He followed. "I don't really need my best friend dying. Or worse. Put in jail."

"That fact that you think jail is worse...."

"You could get raped in jail."

"It's not rape if I like it." I winked grabbing a bag of chips.

"Not the point." Scott started again. "You need to stop doing stupid things. I can't lose you."

"Scott, I swear I'll be fine."

"And what happens if you're not fine. What if something happens over there and you don't come back?"

"I'll come back. I did tonight didn't I?"

"Just because you did tonight doesn't mean you will every time." He said softly walking out of the kitchen and storming up to my room.

"Scotty come back!" I yelled. "Bro, don't do this I love you!" I sighed "Why's he got to get all emotional on me?" I groaned to myself walking up the stairs.


"Hey kiddo," My dad said standing in my doorway. "I got called in so I won't be home till tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Be safe." I said spinning in my computer chair to look at him.

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too."

I waited until I heard the front door shut before getting up and ready. It's getting late. I'm going back to Beacon Hills.

My original plan was to act like I was still mad at my dad about the whole situation yesterday and not talk to him. I'd fake like I was going to bed with some excuse about 'not feeling well' and that would be that. He'd leave me alone all night and I'd make my way over. But, since he won't be here it makes everything a whole lot easier on me.

I walked down the street making it to the edge of the woods. That's the easiest way to do anything when it's after curfew or close to it. Getting back to the fence wasn't a problem but there was more patrol than normal. I reached into my jacket pocket feeling something. I pulled it out seeing it was the pictures I took yesterday. I smiled to myself placing them back into my pocket.

The patrol was lined up closer to each other than normal. I've come out here several nights and just sat here. Waiting, trying to build up enough courage to make my way over. I scanned the fence looking for anything, anything to help me. Nothing, but I did spot my dad. "Great, I thought tonight was going to be easy." I whispered to nobody.

I finally was given the chance to get over when shifts were changing and some of the guards went on break. Getting back is going to be an even bigger challenge.

I stared at my feet making my way back to the spot I saw Derek yesterday. He had a look to him that made him seem like he'd punch puppies for fun. I'm willing to bet he's actually a giant teddy bear though.

I heard what sounded like a growl behind me. I turned to see nothing there. "Ohhhhhhkayyyy." I said to myself continuing on my way. Not to far down the street I heard it again. Looking around I saw nothing, again. I sighed "Maybe Scott was right, I'm hallucinating..." I rubbed my eyes and turned around.

Opening my eyes I was met by 3 wolves.



We don't get wolves around here...

"Ha, nice wolfies.." I said backing up slowly. The three only growled more.

"It's okay, breathe Stiles. They won't eat you. Nope, you don't have enough meat on you." I mumbled to myself as the wolves got closer.

"Knock it off!" I heard loudly. I turned to see Derek behind me a ways. When I looked back at the wolves I saw them all sitting obediently. They actually looked kind of cute now.

"How'd you.." I started. He nodded his head telling me to follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


This chapter was shorter than the first. Oops. Oh well. Update..tomorrow? I'll try my best. :)

Tell me how I'm doing.

Do you want something to happen? Let me know I'll try to fit it in somewhere.

I put in Sciles Bromance.

Introduction to new characters soon. Yas.

Okay. Have a good day/night/week.

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