chapter 4 my speech was that good

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After my speech I thought everyone didn't like it because it was the worst thing they ever heard but when I heard there claps I was soo happy. I evening made the person without their emotion (I thought they were a robot the first time I saw them funny) they felt my emotions when I did I my speech. Anyways they loved my speech I was so happy I was about to cry. tears of joy. So I run to my teacher and ask him if I could go to the water fountain. he say yes. When I was gone I was so happy about my speech I was jumping for joy I loved everything but I knew I wasn't DONE GRIEVING ABOUT HIM. So when I come back everyone (I mean everyone) said my speech was great evening the robot. So after all the speeches was done (take two days for them to be done) my classmates are allowed to vote who was going on stage. My speech was on the first day. So I wasn't so sure my speech will be in there head that long. How wrong I was. I was the clear winner of the vote (27/28 or 28/29) I was speechless (get it) so I was going on the stage obviously. I was so happy. So on Friday it was the stage for speech before we said our speeches we pick our numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 I got one wasn't happy. So I practice again (100000 times now) so after the bell I practice one more time. I was the first one up. Yeah but like the first time the voices come back and said all that the students will laugh at me when I messed up. But when I did my speech again this time I fult like I messed up badly soo bad. I wasn't happy about my speech but when all six speeches were done. They said who win for the grade 3, 4, 5, 6, I don't remember who win for them and I didn't care. So after there were done. Now it's was for the grade 7, 8 time to see who won for 3 place It was a guy from grade 7. For 2 place it's was me I was shocked I thought I would have lost it. Now for 1 place It was my friend grade 8 girl. That was the best day of my life.

So am going make two chapter today's so don't worry

the year that did't give on meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz