Chapter 1

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Hey I'm Emily and I'm 16 and I live in England. I have long brown wavy hair and green/blue eyes.i usually have my hair straight just because it is much easier like that. I am 5'6 meaning I am just the right height, not to small and not to tall, I am thin but not like them perfect girls you see around school, I have always had confidence issues and I get really self conscious about how I look

Anyway back to the story

I was walking home from school on a the Friday night before we broke up for the summer holidays I am so glad only one more year at that hell hole. It was just me and my best friends walking home. There is Laura she has dark brown wavy hair that goes just past her waist, she has brown eyes and wears glasses she is thin and just a bit shorter than me, she is beautiful.

My other best friend is james. He has blondey brown hair that is always styled to perfection,usually worn in a beanie, he is like 5'9 so he is quite a bit taller than me and Laura. He has blue eyes and I would be lying if I said he wasn't handsome but he has a girlfriend and he knows that we would never be anything more than best friends .

Laura pov

"Promise me that you will meet up with me in the holidays so I am not completely bored"Emily said . "Of course that's what best friends are for right" I told her. For some reason I could tell that something wasn't right with James and Emily knew it too by the look she was giving,but I decided to leave it as we turned the corner onto our street.

Emily's pov

Me, Laura and James all live in the same street, so as we got near our house we started to slow down a bit. I could tell that something was wrong .with James because he hadnt talked the whole way home but I guess I will just ask him about it tomorrow.

I got to my door first and gave them both a massive hug goodbye and walked into my house. But when I walked in, it was empty, all the furniture gone and packed up in boxes. What was going on

A/n I'm sorry if this is bad but I have never written a fanfic before but I promise it will get much better!

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