Chapter 4 ~ I Love The Smell of Burning Oranges In the Mid-afternoon

Start from the beginning

"It's for the best." Matt told himself. "Someone like her is always going to be in second place. Whether it be in video games, or in real life, she will always come second. You only deserve the best, Matt."

Why the fuck were these hallways so confusing?

I turned the corner. There, a large garage door. Cars everywhere, with neon. Classic Matt. I got in one, and what do you know? There were keys in it. Why, you might ask. Well, because people here didn't seem to think people would steal their vehicles. I hit the gas pedal, driving towards wherever there was. Whomever there was. 

Matt made me rethink my life. Did I really have anything of value? Even he, Matt Miller, ultimate dork, had something- someone- of importance to him. 

Video games? I could live without them. Seriously, I wouldn't die if power stopped working. 

Parents? They never really cared anyways.

Friends? What friends? None of them actually liked me. 

I began to go faster, and faster, until eventually, I was blazing. Someone raised their hand, as if this car were a taxi. I slowed down, coming to an eventual stop. 

It was Clementine. 

"...Matt still has other girls in his gang?" She sounded unimpressed. "That's seriously not okay. He shouldn't even be looking, no- thinking of other girls!" 

I gripped my steering wheel. 

Fuck not being a Madonna/Slut complex.

For all I care, she can be Madonna, and I'll be the slut.

"Matt definitely has other girls in his gang. You don't control him, bitch. It's a gang. There's no room to be sexist." I was as rude as possible, and it seemed to work. She looked insulted. Very insulted. 

"Excuse me? He's my boyfriend, and if I don't want him around other girls-" 

"You don't need to be jealous. It's not his fault you're ugly." 

"Excuse me?!"

"Matt is too good for you, Clementine. Tell you what, let's play a game. If you win, I'll leave Matt alone." I said while driving. "I'll even clear the gang of girls for you."

"I'm listening." She said. "What do you get, if you win?" 

"Well, you'll probably die painfully and horribly, and I'll have Matt." 

She pursed her lips. "I'll play." 

"Readysetgo!" I yelled. She looked frightened. 

"Wait, what are the rules of the game?! Why did you speed up?!"

"It's a game of chicken. First one to jump out of the car loses." I focused on the wall that was coming up. Perfect place to blow this car up.

"Are you fucking insane?!" Clementine yelled. 

"Fuck yes~!" I screamed. I sped towards the wall. We were literally 3 meters away. She refused to jump out of the car, nervously waiting for my first move. I undid my seatbelt, but kept it 'on'. She didn't realize that she had hers on. 

2 meters.

1 meter.

I ripped open the car door and jumped out. The look on her face was priceless. Everything happened in slow motion. She smiled, cheering. 

"I won!!" 

Then the car hit the wall and exploded. 

From the wreckage of the car, she ran out, black and charred, screaming and on fire. She landed on the floor.

"Call...9...1...1. Please..." She whispered. 

"Little miss Clementine. I don't play fair." I headed around the corner, grabbing some random passerby and throwing them into the fire. She looked at me in absolute horror. "Now, both the driver and you are dead."

"What are you talking about? I'm not dea-" 


That was the sound that my boot makes when putting pressure on someone's neck. 

Cool, right? 

For a couple more days, I sat around, running around outside and causing chaos. I certainly wasn't going home. 

When three neon cars pulled up to the place that I had made a makeshift base in, I seriously didn't expect it. 

Matt got out of the car and was walking towards me, in quick, jerking movements. He then slapped me. 

Did he find out? 

"Do you realize how long I've been looking for you?" He spat. "Do you think it's okay to make me think you died!?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked. Me? Dead? What about Clementine? 

"The exact same car you stole exploded. There were no witnesses, but there were two bodies. I don't know who the hell they are, but it happened in a blind spot of my surveillance system. The car you took happened to be  down for maintenance because the tracker and the internal camera were both broken. Can you please, please tell me what happened?" He asked. He was visibly pissed. Must have finally thought about me when Clementine stopped answering his calls. 

He looked me over, as if looking for any wounds. I wrenched away from him. He then grabbed my arm, and dragged me into the car's backseat. 

"You're not leaving this time. You're too reckless!" He yelled. "You can't do shit without me, can you?!"

"Excuse me?!" I yelled at Matt. "You think I rely on you?!" 

"Hell yes!" Matt's voice cracked. 

He really hits the high notes too often.

I kind of missed that about him.

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