Rock in the Park

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"That's where go in!" Veronica pointed ahead of her. I could feel my heart beginning to race because this was incredible. The atmosphere was electricity. The people here in attendance...were beautiful...well most of them anyway. I had never seen so many guys with long hair in one place. We could see smoke faintly rising from behind the stage, where a bonfire had been stated. I don't even know if a fire was legal in the park, but tonight there were behind the stage and one toward the back of the crowd. No one was doing anything to stop these bonfires from getting bigger.

"Oh my god!" I said, slapping Chrissie in the shoulder and pointing to a group of women in front of me and to the left of the stage. I prided myself in being able to keep my clothes on in public and these women apparently had trouble keeping their clothes all since all eight of them had lost their shirts somewhere. Chrissie gasped.

"My god! Those girls are half naked!" Chrissie said, stating the obvious and she was exactly right. Despite the fact that it was mid-November and these girls were nowhere near the bonfires, they had no reservations with being topless. In fact, as you looked around there was no shame in mostly-naked public affection or the hiding of it behind a tree.

"Well, Chrissie, if these people can be naked there's no reason you can't. Now, I'm just takin' a guess here, but that would probably get Brian's attention."

"I am not doing that!" she said to me, probably louder than she should have. "I can't believe women would just...oh there goes another top." Chrissie said. It was no secret that sex was in the air tonight but as far as Chrissie was concerned, there was no way in hell she would be doing that.

"Come on, let's go behind the stage and check things out. We still have plenty of time before they go on and the free cider is back there." Veronica said, tilting her head toward the gated off area.

"Hey, come on. We're goin' behind the stage to the hospitality area. I said to Chrissie, who was taking in everything around her. Honestly, she was starstruck and it was charming. She looked up at the band on that stage as if she had never seen something so grand in all her life. I don't think any of us knew what was in store tonight and we didn't care. But Chrissie? Well, she had this dreamy, swept away look that made her glow...and I promise, it wasn't the cocktail glow either. We followed Veronica to the gates where she flashed her wristband, pointing to us behind her. Once behind the main stage, I realized that yes, the people here tonight were gorgeous but the men behind this stage waiting to go on tonight were quite possibly the most beautiful in England and the women who were with them looked like they had been ripped out of a mail-order clothing catalog. I stared like a complete idiot for a moment at what surrounded us. Chrissie and Veronica were staring as badly as I.

"Oh my god! Your Levi's are simply divine!" One of the barely dressed women said to me as she passed our little group.

"Uh...oh! Oh, thank you. Thank you so much!" I said. And she was right, my burgundy flared, Levi's were kind of magical in their own way. I didn't know what else to say, I was still shocked. We could only assume that the boys we had come here for were somewhere around the van. I felt a tapping on my shoulder.

"These...these people are...these people are the sexiest people I've ever seen!" Chrissie said, squeezing my shoulder.

"And your boyfriend is one of them...apparently." I reminded her. We could see where the second bonfire was alive and well, though not as big as the one we had seen on our way into the park.

"Hey there. I'm Kurt. You ladies have cider?" he asked us. I didn't know who the hell Kurt was but he almost made me forget that I had a Roger somewhere. I laughed so stupidly that even I was embarrassed for myself. I quickly pulled myself together and flipped my hair back from my face, clearing my throat.

"No! No, Kurt we don't have any." I said. Veronica had the dumbest smile I'd ever seen plastered on her face.

"Here! Here, girls. Take these. I can get more where this came from. Enjoy!" he said, before leaving us. All three of us turned to watch him walk away.

"Shit. My god...I am filled with the filthiest of thoughts right now." Veronica admitted to us.

"If things don't work out with Brian, I want him to tear my panties to shreds." Chrissie said.

"Yeah....yeah, let's go with that." I said, sipping the cider. "The cider's not bad either." I said, handing over the nearly spilling over paper cups.

"Okay, okay we can't get...sidetracked. We need to get some extra cider and go see what bands are here. I mean, my god look at all those people around the reserved vehicle spots. And the three of us agreed that we needed to do exactly that because the longer we stood here, we were bound to become bombarded by more beautiful, lonely, rockers who just so happened to wander our way. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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