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Lucy POV*
Like i said I was running from the beta and third command "What did I do" I said wile running from them "stop right there before we have to hurt you" the beta said I kept on running and soon I started to get tired my wolf said'i cant go on for much longer' 'Just hang in there ok' i said to my wolf 'ok' o and by the way my wolfs name is Sophia we started to slow down as everything went black the beta said "come on knows our chance" that's when I passed out.
*the beta's pov
All of a sudden she passed out "knows our chance" I told the gamma (aka third in command) we cought her and took her to the cells in the pack prison.
*Lucy's pov
When I woke up i didn't know where I was when my vision cleared up I saw that u was in a prison cell.

So what do you think will happen next I love everyone that has supported me to wright this thank you all

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