Chapter two II Long time no see

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For what I've been told I was born in a massive rainy day. It was raining everywhere. New York streets were switched for rivers and small boats were seen floating around the still busy waterways. And, to top this up, my dad was under a lot of stress in that day due to his job.

They also told me it was around seven in the evening when my father's old phone rang and the strong cries of a small baby filled his ear. Steve you are a father, congratulations. And they called me Lua because of a classic music recital that was being played that day, for the first time, in Juilliard.

For some reason my family used to call me  little sun because I ''brought light to such a dark day''. I never felt like the light  and I think I wont ever feel like the light, either.

The light is fast, warm, beautiful and free. Everyone seeks it. We all seek a bit of brightness in our lives. I am not bright and I am not like the sun, never was. Maybe that's why I love the rain so much. I feel myself connect with it once I ear a rain drop in my window. It just feels right and  it slightly improves my mood.

The bell rang and I got up from my couch to open the door. I knew exactly who it was.

Earlier today I got a text from Ashton asking me to come over. I agreed because, in fact, I've missed him a lot.

Ashton was the only one who kept in touch with me while they were travelling. He would text me everyday and call me every now and then which I appreciate a lot.

The first thing he did when I opened the door was to hug me. His embrace felt different. He was different himself. He was taller and tanner. His hair was longer and more blond, it looked like it was sun burn. And he looked happy, pretty happy. Like he always did and I missed that so much.

'' God moonshine I missed you so much'' he said, I could feel some tear forming in my eyes.

'' Well I missed you too Ashton, so much'' I said taking a small breath.'' But c'mon in, join me in the living room''

He head to my living room and I could take a better look at him. He looked great. I had forgotten how he was, how he looked, how he felt and he was so different.

We sat there for a good five minutes without saying a word. We were just looking at each other. Taking everything in. Both of us were so different. My hair was more red than before and my skin looked paler. I guess we both had a lot to say but we couldn't find the words. They were stuck under our tongues, like if we had made them prisoners.

''Have you seen Luke yet?'' Ashton broke the silence but his words sounded like a whisper, as if he was afraid of my reaction. I felt sorry for him, I know I can be a bit mean sometimes when something gets into my nerves.

'' No''

'' Well maybe you should, he is really sorry Lua. You know that, I know you do''

In our group Ashton was always the one who fixed everything. He was the oldest one and I guess that helped him when it was time to advice people. So it wasn't a surprise to me that he brought this up. I bet he has been having the same talk with Luke.

'' Ashton I appreciate what you are trying to do but this time Luke has to work hard. I am sick of having people using me, I am sick of being everybody's second choice.''

I could feel and see Ashton tense in his seat in the other couch.

'' Okay what about we change the subject?''

''Whatever you say Ashton''

'' C'mon moonshine don't be mad at me''

'' I am not mad at you I'm just annoyed, that's all'' I shrugged and he got up from his seat to hug me. A little bit to tight which made me giggle a bit. '' Ashton you're killing me''

'' Here we go, that beautiful laugh I have been missing for the past year''

Ashton sat in front of me in the couch and we are now facing each other. Our legs touching.

'' You missed a lot. I finally learned how to cook''

''Really? That's great! What about your dad, how's him?''

'' Well my dad propose to Anne belle six months ago and they left the day you arrived to go on a trip around the world. They are planning on getting married somewhere in France since Anne was born there. The house has been paid ever since we afford it so he said he would send me some money to pay the bills or college and some extra savings in case I decide I want to go back to New York.''

'' Why would you want to move back there? You've always said you hated that place.'' He paused for a minute until realization hit him. '' Wait did you?''

'' Yeah Ashton, I did, I was accepted in Julliard. I was also accepted in some other performing arts schools.''

''Are you going? I mean can you imagine how many opportunities you would have if you went there? If you go to Julliard you wil-''

'' If I, eventually, go to Julliard I will have to follow my mother's steps because everyone will be expecting me to be as good as she was and I don't want to go trough that. I am not like that and I wont ever be so i am not going.''

'' Lua Ashlyn Smith this is a one in a lifetime opportunity and you can't just let go, you have to go.''

'' Ashton I am not going there and this is the end of this conversation. I love Australia and I don't really want to leave this place because it feels more like home to than Us or New York will ever feel. Everything that makes me happy is here and Julliard can't afford my happiness.''

'' Just promise me you will consider it.''

'' Why? Is it because you are all going to leave again soon? ''

At this point I was a little bit to mad and anxious to keep my chill. Ashton just touched to hard on my bleeding heart.

'' What are you talking about Lua? We ar-'' He looked confused and shocked at my words.

'' Don't lie Ashton I know everything, I know why you got back earlier. Mali told me, I know about the band and how you got invited to tour the world with a famous band''

The tension between us got too hard to handle and not even the sharpest knife could cut it. I held my tears in my eyes. I didn't want to look weak. And then Ashton broke.


Sorry for the late update

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