"Hermione..." he murmered into her hair as he pulled away from the kiss.


Pulling away Draco realised his mistake. Not again. He'd cheated on Hermione twice now. Twice. She didn't deserve a husband like him.

"Whats wrong baby?" Bonnie asked as her hands creeped up Draco's shirt, touching his bare skin, sending ripples of heat throughout his body.

"I can't do this."

Bonnie sighed.

"But we were just getting started? Hermione doesn't love you!"

Yeah, that's right. I need someone that loves me. he thought,

"And you couldn't really call it cheating, if she doesn't love you."

Draco smiled.

"You sure know how to make a no into a yes." he smirked.

(A/N remember Draco is still drunk so ya know.)

Okay this is the point where they do the doo da and I'm not really good at writing them. So if you wanna have a smutty scene, this isn't the place.

Draco woke at 5.30. His legs were tangled up with another womans. But that confused him. Looking under the covers, he realised that neither him nor his companion were wearing clothes. She began to stir and faced him.

"Good morning babes" Smiled Bonnie, brushing her lips against his.

No. He hadn't. He couldn't.

Draco jumped out of the be, vigorously shaking his head side to side.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked whilst smiling like the Cheshire cat. Seriously, that girl smiled too much.

"I-I," Before Draco even finished his sentence, he found himself grabbing his clothes and fleeing from Bonnie's house. He ran down the road and just kept running. (He's dressed btw)He ran until it was no longer an option. He burst through the unlocked door.

The unlocked door...

"Hermione!" he called out. He wasn't really expecting a reply. He didn't really know what to expect anymore.

He arrived at the kitchen and finally thought about what he'd done.

He'd slept with a woman. A woman that was not his wife.

He couldn't belive himself. Yes, he was known as the Hogwarts sex god, but he'd never cheat on anyone. That was beneath him. He just couldn't belive he'd done it to his wife. She'd never forg-

Draco stopped and looked down where he was sat. There was a parchment with his name on it, folded in half. Without hesitating he picked it up and began to read.

Dear Malfoy,

This is probably one of the hardest things for me to write. You never came home last night, so I'm guessing you either didn't want to be with me, or you slept at someone else's house. Frankly I don't care. I know you don't love me, and I don't love you either, so whats really the problem?

I just want to wish you the best in life. I want you to be happy. I'm leaving tonight. I can't hold onto something that's not there. I don't want children with you and I never will.

So goodbye Draco, I wish you all the best.

Hermione Malfoy x

Draco dropped the letter with fury. How dare she! How dare she do that to him!

He wandered up the stairs and stopped outside Hermione's bedroom. This would've been, could've been, should've been theirs. And that's when he noticed the tears rolling down his face. It was kind of heartbreaking to kow that he'd lost her. Completely and utterly lost her.

Deciding to fill himself wit her scent, the one he already missed so dearly, Draco opened the door.

And wht he saw, was definitely not was he ws expecting.

There lay on the bed was Hermione with a knife lodged in her stomach.



Draco had 3 stages of panic.  Panic panic, Realistc panic and emotional panic.

He rushed to her side, his hands shaking like mad. He screamed out her name, whilst the tears rushed down his face. He shook her hard, but it was only preventing himself from shaking. He trailed his hands along her pale face and stopped by her mouth, feeling the shallow breathes on his skin.

She was still breathing.

(Okay time wise, this wouldn't happen. But let's just pretend for the sake of the book ;)

This was when the realistic panic really started to kick in.
"Hermione?" He gently shook her body, his shoulders tensed together. She never moved. It's not like he was expecting any movement.

He gently picked her up; she weighed just a little over his broomstick.

Draco sort of danced around for a bit, looking around for something to help him.
St Mungos

That was his only option. Running to the closest fire place, he grabbed some floo powder and just like that, gone.

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