She gave a blank look and he looked right back at her. He noticed that her hair didn't look at all the same, it wasn't the noticeable frizz ball anymore. It was honey blonde, more wavy than frizzy. Her once striking brown eyes, were now dull. Her skin, no longer the warm tan, was pale - really pale. altogether she looked like rubbish.

"You look like terrible, Granger."

'What a gentleman she thought'
(lmao that's all the Hermione insight ur getting for a while)

Draco huffed. She still hadn't replied. what was her problem?

"look, Granger, I know you don't like me. I don't like you. But we have to make this work. I don't want to lose my magic, lose my family, I don't want to die. And I don't think you do either. So just tell me what your problem is and we can sort it..."

The next ten seconds were those of silence that lay in the air like a poison.

Slowly, he raised his eyebrows, as though teasing her, tempting her, daring her to say something.

but it never came.

he huffed in defeat.

"Fine." Draco ran a shaky hand through his striking blonde hair and left the room, plodding down the stairs and out the front door, slamming it as he left.

Draco POV
How dare she. How dare that mudblood ignore me. I tried to be nice but what do I get? Treated like shit. He thought.
He looked from where he was stood outside the house.


That was the only colour he could see. Trees, bushes, grass - there wasn't another house on their street. The muggle town wasn't Draco's ideal placement. But he was a Malfoy. He wanted a big house, mainly so he could get away f Ron Granger when she began yelling at him. But she hadn't even spoken to him yet, let alone yell.
Sighing, Draco decided he might acctually do something worth while and check out the town.
It was called Redbush, quite a silly name in his eyes.  He wandered the streets but he still hadn't seen another house. It was as though everyone had dissapeared, leaving him to deal with Granger. But he didn't want that.


The corner of the shop came into veiw just as Draco crossed the road. It wasn't very big but it was good enough for him. The bell tinkled when he entered.

"Hello Sir." The young girl had jumped when Draco walked in, she had previously been reading.

"Hi. Can I ask you a question?" Draco replied.

"You're already asking one!" She giggled, but then gave Draco a serious look.

"Why aren't there any other houses in this town?"

"Well, there are a few here and there. But mainly it's just landscape thanks to that big old posh house. I bet the owners are really horrible and mean and-"

Draco raised his eyebrows when the girl stopped.

"Crap. You live there, don't you." She worriedly looked at Draco, hoping he wasn't offended by her words. Draco only nodded and sniggered when the girl turned her face away.

"It's fine... My name's Draco" the girl smiled and took his outstretched hand.


Bonnie then stood from her chair behind the black counter, and walked round to Draco. Compared to him she was minuscule.

"Do you just live there alone or..." she suddenly asked. The question stirred Draco. Should he lie and say he did. Or worse, say he lived wit his 'wife' (the world made him gag) who didn't even talk to him. He decided for the latter, but without the details.

"Oh, me and my wife just moved there." Bonnie's face fell, but Draco couldn't care less. She was a sweet girl, but she really wasn't his type. She worked in a cafe for gods sake! And anyways, he had Hermione.

"Oh that's nice. Do you think I could meet her?"

Draco sighed. He was sick of sighing.

"She's not very well at the moment." he lied through his teeth. "i better be getting back to her.."

Bonnie nodded and walked behind Draco to the door, waving him off.

Draco hadn't realised how long he'd been out. it was dark. So dark he couldn't see the green trees, bushes or grass.  He arrived home and walked up the stairs. But whilst he was only half way up, he saw Hermione in a pink bath robe, glaring at him from above.

 "Granger I'm so-"

But he never finished as she had left. He sighed, for what he vowed the final time that day, and proceeded into his bedroom.

it was only as he was drifting asleep, he noticed that all his belongings had been placed, neatly, away.


So, by now I'm sure you've all heard that an amazing man died of cancer today, aged 69. Alan Rickman will be greatly missed.

QOTD: If you could bring to life one character and ask about their life, who would it be?
A: I think probably Lucius Malfoy or Narcissa because I feel like the two of them had such a troublesome time and I want to ask why they did certain things.

comment what you'd dooooooo

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