Chapter 9: I hate you and Rainbowcord

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Discord got ready.

"Three!" Yelled Rainbow Dash as she began to run.

Discord was confused for a bit but then he was surprised, Rainbow Dash had tricked him. But he didn't seem to care as he continued to not move from his spot, while smiling maliciously.

Rainbow Dash ran with intense velocity, down the street evading people. She occasionally collided with people and made them fall to the ground. The people she crashed into were annoyed by this and yelled at her as she ran by.

Rainbow continued running. She turned a bit to notice that she was far ahead of Discord. Every time she turned around she couldn't see any sign of Discord.

"Hahaha!" Said Rainbow as she ran. Her forehead was already full of sweat. "Discord is a fraud! I've left him far behind! I'm the fastest in the world!"

Rainbow began to run faster. She looked up at the sky and observed the roofs of the houses. Rainbow was really shocked now. She could not believe what she was seeing. Discord was running on the roofs of the houses, leaping from roof to roof parkour style, still carrying her two bags and guitar.

Rainbow continued running, but the fatigue was winning her over. Upon seeing how far ahead Discord was she tried to resist and tried to keep running.

Discord ran and jumped without stopping. Some of the houses were a lot bigger and he scaled them with ease. Discord wasn't getting tired, for him this was just another game.

Rainbow continued to run without stopping, her sweat was dripping down her brow now and the rays of the sun were starting to get pretty intense. Rainbow refused to give up now and kept on running.

Rainbow finally arrived at the entrance to the park but her energy had run out upon seeing that at the park entrance stood a proud Discord who was calm and wasn't sweating, with her stuff on his back and his arms crossed in victory.

Rainbow fell to the ground breathing intensely, trying to regain her energy.

Discord looked at her indifferently.

Finally, Rainbow got up slowly. She walked towards Discord, exhausted and frustrated.

"How did you do that?" Asked Rainbow Dash, standing in front of Discord, looking at him with contempt. "What are you?"

Discord a bit annoyed, gave a small smile.

"Have you ever had to run for your life because you had just stolen a loaf of bread?" Asked Discord.

"Eh?" Asked Rainbow a bit confused. "No?"

"Have you ever been chased with a butcher knife because you had stolen a salami?" Asked Discord calmly.

"No?" Said Rainbow.

"Have you ever had to run from the cops?" Asked Discord grinning. "For stealing water bottles, and any food you could find because you had not eaten anything in weeks?"

Rainbow gave two steps back without taking her gaze off of Discord.

"Eh." Said Rainbow looking at the ground. "I don't think so."

"Life expiriences." Said Discord calmly. "They are the most important lessons."

"Ok?" Said Rainbow a bit uncomfortable.

"Just remember that I won." Said Discord. "Will you show me how to utilize the guitar?"

Rainbow huffed in frustration after having caught her breath.

They both walked to a park bench and sat down. They placed the bags on the ground, next to the bench. Rainbow took out her electic guitar and a small amp.

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