Chapter 4: The Decision

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In the school parking lot, a big number of students and teachers including the other elements of harmony entered and crowded around.
They saw that Discord was being held down by both Celestia and Luna. Students were taking pictures on their phones instead of calling the police.

The crowd including five of the elements looked at Discord with contempt and anger all except for Fluttershy who took pity on him.

Discord was handcuffed as soon as Celestia and Luna got off of him and a guard lifted him off of the ground as if he was a prisoner of war.

Two more guards held down Discord's arms to prevent him from escaping ; and so the guards escorted the prisoner through the crowd and towards the school building.

While he walked, Discord could hear the murmurs of the students.

"He's hideous."

"Look at his yellow eyes; he must have hepatitis."

"Look at his grey hair, it makes him look so old. I wonder how old he is."

"Look at that fang."

"He has a face only a mother could love."

"He's probably a crack head looking for his next fix."

Discord frowned, then looking through the crowd he saw Fluttershy and looked her in the eyes as best he could.

Fluttershy had on a fearful yet adorable expression, similar to the way she looked when he saw her for the first time. The only difference was they weren't alone and she wasn't screaming her head off.

Discord was mad at her, seeing as how she had betrayed him by letting Celestia know who he was. He then stared at the ground and sighed.

Then Discord with the guards escorting him, was directed into the detention room, located on the first floor of the building.

The bell rang and the students returned to their classrooms, the mane six followed the other students from the parking lot.

"Did you see that weirdo?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "He laughed at the school's security guards and at two football teams."

"He turned them guards into apple sauce." responded Applejack.

"Poor thing." Fluttershy said softly.

"Don't be sorry for him Fluttershy." Said Rarity in a serious tone. "He could have really hurt you, physically."

"Yes but, they used brute force on him." Said Fluttershy lowering her voice.

"It was awesome!" Yelled Pinkie Pie interrupting Fluttershy. "It was also entertaining! First he was running and the guards almost caught him, a-and then we thought we had him cornered but then he jumped out the window and we were like *gasp!* because we thought he was an absolute lunatic  for jumping out of a third story window and then he landed like a cat on his feet and then Dashie ran after him to the fields and then he stole the football then Dashie almost caught him on the soccer field but he knocked her out with that ball and then he thought he was going to be free until Principal Celestia tackled him and then Luna came to help! That was the most thrilling chase I've seen! They're so awesome!"

"'re not serious are you?" Asked Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a good thing that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had him arrested when they did or he might have gotten away." Said Applejack.

"There's no doubt that they did it before he caused any more trouble." Said Twilight smiling.

"Thank you Ms. Sparkle." Intervened Celestia, slowly approaching them with Luna coming up behind her.

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