Chapter 2- The End

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I turned my head slowly, my head pounding, my heart racing.

Gleaming golden eyes, each about the size of my head, stared intently into my small, sky blue eyes. A gigantic nose viciously sniffed me, trying to classify me as something to eat or a cloak. A golden ring the size of my head looped through its enormous nostrils. Its short brown coat of fur was stained with thick, sticky blood. Its horns protruding from its mammoth skull would have been enough to scare off a hydra.

I managed to push out a feeble scream. A Minotaur. It lifted me up my the neck of my chiton, and started to walk deeper into the malicious depths of the dark forest. I kicked and screamed for help, but I had no luck. There was no chance of me surviving this. Branches snapped harshly in my face, cutting deep gashes into my ghostly pale skin.

Where is Atticus? Please don't let him have died a horrible death. Please let him be alive. I pray inside my head. Athena, please help me. My best friend is probably dead and I'm going to follow him shortly. Please do something!

Nothing happened. There was no sign of acknowledgement. I sighed heavily. The Minotaur continued to run, my surroundings all blurred into one big collection of colours and shapes. The trees blended together into a spectacular shade of green, the cloud seemed to have dispersed into the wide sky, as if they had never existed. The ground was a dark shade of brown, with little flecks of green. I could just make out what seemed to be a hut. As we approached, I could see that it was an ivory colour. As we got nearer, I could see the horrific truth. The dwelling was made of bones. Human bones. The Minotaur ground to a halt, sending me flying towards the muddy ground.

I didn't know what to do. It was either going to kill me or skin me alive. I was unable to move. If there was any moment for some hero to save me, it would have been then. But no one came to my rescue. The forest seemed darker than before, the light drained from every crevice. The face of the beast that was soon to be my killer leaned closer towards me. Its claws reached for a primitive-looking knife, made of a bone handle and flint blade. The knife came closer and closer to my rapidly-beating heart. The creature licked its lips hungrily, and I screamed out in panic.

This is not how I wanted to die. I thought in a wave of panic. Yes, I wanted to die saving my friend, but I haven't even found him. He's probably dead already.

I looked around the hut for any sign of Atticus, dead or alive. I saw clay pots filled with bones, probably human. There were deep red blood stains all over the muddy floor. The knife drew tantalisingly nearer. And that was when I saw it. The not-yet decomposed body of a teenage boy with golden blond hair, and a blood-splattered chiton. It was at that moment when I felt the touch of cold, hard metal against my chest. I felt a small cut form, as the knife pierced my skin. The gash grew wider and deeper as the Minotaur plunged the knife in. The pain was agonising. It was as if my chest was being torn out of my body. As it went deeper, slow and torturing, I felt it pierce my heart. I screamed in agony. The light around me was fading away, and I could see everything flash before my eyes. My first steps, chasing Atticus, hugging my parents. It all seemed so worthless now.

"Please, Athena..." I muttered feebly. My vision got brighter and brighter, my chest throbbing. I couldn't sum up the pain in mere words.

It was those words that were my last.

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