Chapter One

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I don't know what I'm doing so don't judge!

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Olivia's alarm went off. She rolled over on her side and swung her arm over it to shut off the annoying thing. Olivia sat up and robbed her eyes. She smelled eggs and bacon cooking from the kitchen. She figured her mom was cooking something for her first day of high school; the year everything changes.

Usually her mom never had time to cook breakfast because she was always busy; she had to work two jobs since Olivia's dad wasn't around anymore. He got locked up for some crime he committed and it was a really hard process for Olivia's family. Her parents almost got a divorce but they chose not to. It was hard enough he had to go to jail. Olivia's dad got sentenced 2 years and he only had 1 more year to go.

Olivia also had one sibling, Eric, her brother. He was quit the lady's man. He was a junior this year. He could probably get any girl he wanted from Madison High School ( The school Olivia is now attending.) considering he was the quarter back of their school's football team. He also got them with his beautiful blue eyes, perfect smile and you can't forget his cheese pickup lines.

Olivia quickly got out of bed and did her usual morning routine for school. Since it was her first day of school she actually gave a little effort into how she looked. she didn't need makeup, she already was a pretty girl. Usually she didn't care because she wasn't trying to impress anyone and no one cared. Everyone was more worried about themselves anyway. She threw on some jeans, a baggy but stylish shirt that had a galaxy print on it, with some black and white connivers and to finish it off she curled her hair and added some foundation and eyeliner.

She quickly ran down stairs to where her mom was still preparing food.
"Morning honey!" Her mom said with a smile.
"Hey mom, gotta go I'm run'n late" Olivia said while grabbing a piece of bread with butter and grape jelly on it! " Love ya."
"Whatever, more for me" her mom said with a chuckle.

Olivia had lied because she knew her mom would give her the leisure about how "we don't do certain things until we are married" type of thing. She knew her brother would probably tell her that too, but it was better from him than her.

She got in her brother's car and put on her seat belt. He was her ride for the rest of the year! He quickly texted someone then put the car into drive. He put to much cologne on and even he knew it, but he said the lady's dig that.
Basically there whole car conversation was about how they have to pretend they don't know each other at school. Well at least he didn't bring boys up.

In no time they got to school. Eric had parked his car next to some pretty girls with no brains. He gave them his cute nod and smile, and they gave in. Olivia quickly jumped out because she didn't want to be part of that episode and because she saw her best friend, (Her only friend.) Selena, get off the bus.

Selena had beautiful long brown curly hair and was a very optimistic person. that's what Olivia loved the most about her and They had been friends ever since kindergarten. Selena was in California for an acting class all summer long so they didn't get to see each other.
" Hey Selena!" Said Olivia with a giant smile.
"Olivia!" Selena shouted while almost knocking over Olivia from a hug, but Olivia didn't mind because she was really excited to see Selena too.
" How did the acting class go? See anyone famous?"
Selena laughed. " It was lot of fun and no I didn't see anyone famous, but I wish I did.

Olivia and Selena continued their conversation inside. They found their lockers, which where right next to each other and started decorating them with photos and stuff.

All of a suddenly there was a ginormous commotion in the hallway! There was a huge crowd of girls surrounding someone. Olivia and Selena tried to see who it was but it was impossible with all the people. The crowd went into auditorium B. That's where orientation was going to start in about 15 minutes.

They where really anxious to see who it was. They finished decorating there lockers and found a seat in the auditorium amongst about 1,000 other people. The crowd of girls where sitting in the first row with there phones ready like if they where going to take a picture.

        It was really easy to see all the "clicks" there was the Gloths, the jocks, the Cheerios, the popular kids, the nerds, ect. Olivia and Selena didn't have a click and they were fine with that. They thought clicks were stupid anyway.

  A few minutes later the principal came out on a stage with a microphone and tried to get everyone's attention, but of course the jocks didn't care and continued talking and that was the click Eric as in.

" Good morning everyone, we are glad to start a new year at Madison High School!" Said the principal with a scratchy voice and a smile.
Everyone kind of ruled there eyes because let's face it everyone hates school specially the first day! He spoke for about 20 more minutes until he finally said
" Since this is our 50th year we are throwing a school dance on Friday"
The crowd cheered and actually started to listen.
"Ok, ok calm down. I have one last announcement. We have special guest attending our school." The girls in the front started screaming and chanting "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan"
" Please welcome, Dylan Dauzat!

Everyone clapped except the jocks. They just stared at him with a judgmental face.
" He's so cute!" Selena said.
" He's internet famous with 2 million subscribers on YouTube. He just wants to be treated like everyone else for the time being." The principal said. "Alright your all dismissed."

Olivia sat there for the longest time. She's never had a crush on anyone before. There was something about him that made her feel good inside. She knew this year would be the year everything would change.

                    I know I suck sorry. So got any tips? Also check out my friend Julia's account( jujujellybean13 ) She writes awesome stories!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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