Goodbye New York

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A/N: First chapter!! XD
Magnus's and Alec's apartment in Brooklyn seemed far too empty, with all their key belongings gone and packed. They were crammed into suitcases that Magnus had magicked up in the last minute, and now they awaited the arrival of their fellow travellers, as Magnus put it. Magnus was dressed in rainbow leather pants and a gold mesh vest, with matching gold eyliner. As per usual, Alec wore a sweater and jeans. The black jeans had holes in the knees, and the threadbare sweater had frayed sleeves. A loud, impatient rapping on the door told them that Lily was outside. "Finally!" She groaned as Alec opened the door. She flung herself down on the deep, purple velvet couch. Several suitcases and bags were dropped about her, and she leaned into the sofa. Her long dark blue hair had been French braided at the back of her head, and her sharp almond shaped eyes looked around the room. "Where's Tess and Catarina?" She said with a roll of her eyes. Alec scowled. "Late." "As usual, then." "Unfortunately." Magnus grinned. Alec and Lily got along well due to their similar habits of precision. The three warlocks, however, were more untidy and carefree. The doorbell rang once, and Magnus jumped up to answer, desperate to leave New York. "Hey!" He exclaimed, greeting two of his oldest friends. Tessa hugged him, whilst Catarina smiled, flicking a piece of glitter off of her arm habitually. Tessa's pale brown hair was tangled from the wind, and she wore black trench coat that needed several new buttons. She could've used a spell to repair the jacket, but had never got around to it. Catarina's white hair was twisted into a neat bun, but her blue skin glistened with drops of sweat. She'd probably spent the rest of the day working at the Beth Israel. "Well, let's go!" Catarina called out, already walking away from the apartment.
"Can't we just Portal everywhere?" Alec complained. "Mundane travel is all part of the experience." Tessa protested, looking up from her hardback book. They were waiting at the airport, bored out of their minds. Alec opened his mouth to reply, thought better of it, and shut up. "Fine..." He mumbled. "I," Lily began, her voice raised as it did when she was about to complain, "will not be so easily defeated. Mundane travel is slow and unreliable. Besides, Magnus. They're going to keep you behind at border control. I'm fairly sure all that glitter is going to set at least one alarm off. Thanks." "Don't bring me into this, Lily! All I did was go along with what Tess and Cat wanted, kay?" Catarina"s eyes then snapped up from the travel mug of instant coffee in her hands. "Magnus. What did we talk about?" She said her pitch changing to emphasise the threat. She knew he would realise. "The plane's here!" Tessa exclaimed suddenly, standing up and running towards a doorway. Magnus, Alec, Lily and Catarina chased after her, not one of them entirely familiar with modern mundane manners and ideas. They handed in their tickets and strapped themselves in. "Goodbye, New York..." Alec whispered as the plane took off into the air, like a dove, fighting for freedom.

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