Avana and Lilia

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"Avana and Lilia Oswald-Smith if I have to call you once more you will be in trouble!" Yelled The Doctor for the twentieth time. He muttered something about them being 'little Daleks' under his breath before he heard two sets of tiny footsteps pattering down the stairs. Clara emerged from the kitchen, covered in flour and chocolate. "Have you been making soufflés again, dearest?" Enquired the Doctor, smiling knowingly into Clara's deep hazelnut eyes. "Too beautiful to live, that's what they are!" Exclaimed Clara, grinning from cheek to cheek. She tugged at the apron strings to undo it, releasing a puff of flour into the air as she did so.

No sooner had she done so had two identical little girls wandered into the kitchen. Avana and Lilia. Both had stunning hazel eyes and shiny brown ringlets of hair that framed their faces, making them look like tiny cherubs. Both were 3 years old, dressed identically in tartan pinafores, Clara's choice, and a huge jumper each, The Doctor's choice, with odd stripy socks each, courtesy of themselves. Avana grabbed onto her father, the Doctor's, legs, while Lilia snuggled into her mother, Clara's, warm embrace.

"What have you been up to then girlies?" Asked Clara, and the Doctor crouched down to their level and simply watched on as the girls began to recall the events of the day in the most serious voices possible. The Doctor gazed at Clara's dazzling smile and complete fascination at what was coming out of the girls' mouths, even if it was completely pretend. He saw the genuine love in her eyes for the pair, which made him pull her in to a tight hug, with Avana still attached to his leg.

He kissed the top of Clara's head gently, decided to move into the sitting room to cuddle, and then attempted to walk, but failed to do so due to the 3 year old on his legs. The Doctor scooped her up into his arms broad arms; the 3 year old squirmed and giggled with delight. A grinning Clara grasped a much more reserved Lilia's hand and followed the Doctor.

They propped their daughters up on the sofa with plenty of pillows, almost like a fortress. They looked like two little porcelain dolls, smiling and giggling. Clara sat down on the sofa opposite, and The Doctor plonked himself beside her, then placed his arm overher shoulder. Clara simply rested her head on his shoulder; it was a rare moment of peace for her, and she treasured it even more being able to spend it with The Doctor.

The Doctor smiled down at her and then began to speak; "Girls, do you want to hear our stories? From travelling through time and space?" With that, Clara let out a small sigh, reminiscing when it was just them, which she attempted to conceal before the Doctor whispered "Me too, Clara," adding "I feel the same." He had missed the adventure, the thrill, danger and mystery, and was yearning for another. Nonetheless, he began with the first story, the most important one : How The Doctor and Clara met.


Clara's POV

It was cold. So cold. Clara's eyes took ages to adjust but after what felt like a year, they finally did. Where was she? How did she get there? She didn't recognise anything. From what vision had she had regained, she could identify that the room was plain white, four walls, no windows or doorslooked. It reeked of strong disinfectant around her, a lot like hospitals did. Clara tried to move, jerking her arms and legs but something was restraining them. She peered down at her tods and saw that she was strapped in to some contraption, lying flat of her back. Her eyes could only see the stark white ceiling above her and very blurry peripheral inages on either side. She had worked that a) She was trapped, b) She had no chance of escape and c) The Doctor was nowhere to be found.

There was some sort of sinister fog lingering around her, it hadn't been there a few moments ago, but suddenly it began engulfing everything in sight. The room became dingy, dark and grey. Clara felt a tear roll down her cheek. If she wasn't with the Doctor then what had happened? All of a sudden, more tears blurred her vision and trickled down her face like small raindrops. She could taste the sharp tang of salt in her mouth. Why was she not with the Doctor? She missed him so, even though it had only been a few minutes. Oddly, she felt tired, as though the little energy she had left was being drained from her. she lay there, tears dribbling aimlessly, feeling more helpless thn she had ever felt before. Lying silently among the haze, she hoped and prayed that the Doctor was on his way.

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How are you liking the story so far? Go tell all your friends to read it too Don't worry, it will all make sense... soon...ish...
Harshy ❤

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