(18) "Uncharted Waters"

Start from the beginning

"Are you serious?' Tris asked.

"Yeah. Come" Luke replied while shedding off his clothes.

"Fine" the blond haired replied and started changing clothes too. "Nice Butt" Luke commented and so the blonde haired lad quickly pulled up the uniform pants. "Shut up" he replied and they both started laughing. "Are you ready? Give me your clothes" his roommate uttered and so he did.

Luke hid their clothes under a box and then they made their way out. They carefully opened the fire exit door, and as soon as they did, they started running upstairs.

Tris heart is beating really fast, he's not anxious though .. instead, he's excited. Tristan and Brad did a lot of things like this, but they never tried out this particular one.

All of a sudden, they heard footsteps coming downstairs. Luke ordered Tristan to stop and so he did. "Be quiet" he whispered. His roommate then took a peek and saw that there are two nurses coming down the stairs. He then looked behind Tris and saw a door leading to the hospital itself.

Tris then slowly opened it and checked if anyone had seen them, and when it's clear the two of them got out. Just in time, because as soon as they closed the door, they heard the nurses chatting on the other side.

"That was close" the blonde haired lad told Luke. "Yes. Now come on" he replied and then started running away. "Shit" that's all Tristan was able to say before running after his friend.


The curly haired lad is driving home from Connor's house when he noticed a familiar face walking down the street. And so he stopped his car and rolled down the window.

"Erica Odell?' he asked and then the girl turned to her side and smiled.

"Bradley? Is that you?' she asked.

"Yeah. Come on , get in" he answered.

"Do you know where James is?" she then asked. The thing is, James and Erica used to be everyone's favorite couple. They were just perfect for each other that they made everyone envy. Even Brad and Tristan.

Everything between them is smooth sailing up until the day that Erica's parents decided that it's a good time to move away. Erica begged them not to, but still they did. She told everyone that they had to leave due to a new job offer in New Zealand for her Dad, but Brad knew the real reason why. Erica's family is rich, while James's isn't that much. Though the McVey's can provide for their children, their financial state never matched the Odell's.

And because of that, her parents never liked him. Erica was forced by her parents to leave James as they will transfer to somewhere where they can find someone suitable for their daughter. This hurt his friend so much. Erica has no idea how much painful it was for James.

At the age of 15, he got depressed. And it's heartbreaking for everyone to see someone as cheerful as him get sad. He's suffering only ended when he got into a car accident. It damaged a part of his brain which caused to have a partial amnesia. The young guy woke up only remembering half of the people and the events that took place in his life.

He even forgotten most of friends. His parents are devastated, but at the same time they're thankful that he has forgotten about her.

"Sorry, I don't know where he is" Brad replied, lying to her.

"Can I give you my number? You can call me if you see him"

"I don't have a phone sorry" Brad replied and then started rolling up the windows again. He knows what happened to James isn't Erica's fault, she never wanted to leave him. A part of Brad wanted to tell Erica where James is, but after thinking about what happened two years ago , he decided not to.

The curly haired lad then drove away, leaving his old friend behind.


After running around the hospital and getting yelled at by countless people, Tris and Luke finally got to the rooftop. "How pretty is this?" Luke asked and then turned to Tristan. The blonde haired lad then looked around and saw the entire city of Blake.

"This is beautiful" he replied, can't keep the smile off of his face. Luke then stood beside him and faced each other. "Dude thank you" Tris uttered and then kissed Luke on the cheeks.

"What are you two doing here?" they both turned around and saw Dr. Clifford standing by the door.

"Dead" Tris thought to himself.


that's it for this part guys . what do you think? please vote and comment :D sorry if the last two chapters are EXTREMELY boring, but I'm just setting you guys up for the Mid-Book Finale which is only a few chapters from now. it's the part that you definitely don't wanna miss.

There's a Tradley moment on the next chapter so stay tuned. also, who really is that guy that Connor is looking for? And what are your thoughts about James and Erica?

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