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Elvin's POV

We're still at Hokkaido flimming. We were done with all the work scenes, now it's time to flim the scened whete both my character and Ruien's character enjoys themselves in Hokkaido.

We went to various places, but now, we are flimming the scene where both of them made a music box.


We started to decorate the music box we picked; Bach - Minuet.
She was focussed in decorating the box, and there I am, focussed on her.

"What shall we name it?"
I asked.

"Hmmm. Since this is a music done by Bach to his wife, we shall name it 琴瑟和鸣."
She suggested.


"琴和瑟是两种不同的乐器 . 琴瑟和鸣就是说两种不同的乐器做出来的音乐很和谐,也比喻夫妻的感情很融洽". (Two different instruments creating a harmonic music, use to describe loving couples. Etc -Bach. Ruivin,Jokes. xD)

"Thats a good name. We'll 琴瑟和鸣 then."
I said to the music box as if it was our child.

She laughed at how silly I was, I myself think that I'm pretty silly for saying that.

Mean while Behind the Scenes,
We both had so much chemistry I swear. We would chose the same item, and when she picks it up, I took the glue and placed some on a spot and she would go

"Perfect. That was the spot I wanted."

We procceeded to the next flimming Location where we had to Ski.
She only knew how to ski abit so we had to practise before flimming.
I was with her everywhere she went, afraid she might fall. Whenever she lost balance, I would grab on to her. She would always thank me, and then a smile.

I was deep in my thoughts , suddenly , a peircing scream was let out behind me, then, I felt a grab on my shoulder and I fell backwards crashing into someone.
I turned around and realise it wad Ruien, I quickly got up not wanting to squash her with my weight.

"I'm sorry. I lost balance. I couldn't react to it and my hands lost control, it just went to grab you. Sorry."

"It's okay. But I think I just squashed you."

I let out my hand to help her up.
She grabbed on and I pilled her up.

"Are you hurt?"

"My elbow. Feels like. Blueblack."

She said while Rubbing her elbow.

"Ruien, Elvin, Get ready!"

The director shouted.

"Rolling, action!"

We started skiing and then snowball fight.
I would pick up a bunch of snow, form it into a ball and then throw it softly at her. She would start giggling everytime she got me.
So.. I delibrately took the shots just to hear her laughter.

"CUT! Good take. Now we will be flimming the scene where the music box is lost."

"Rolling, Action!"

I started digging into the snow with my bare hands. Yes, my bare hands.
I might be perspiring, but my hands sure do feel cold.

"Sato! Stop finding! We can make another one."

"No! It's our 琴瑟和鸣 . I can't just let it be lost like that."

I continued digging and she continued to ask me to stop.

I exclaimed.

She came over to me.

I was all over the moon, I hugged her and we rolled down the snow, protecting her - espacially her elbow.
Everytime I was ontop of her, I would try not to let her feel any weight on her. When we were turning over, I would protect her elbow. I'm pretty concerned about her eh?
It ended pretty quickly, though I wished for it to be a perpetual moment, having her in my arms in just such a good feeling I can't even.

"I'm so happy!"
I shouted.

"I'm so squashed!"
She shouted.

"CUT! GOOD TAKE! Thats it for today!"

We got up from the snow, and the first thing she did was approach me.

"Digging snow with your bare hands. Sato is a smart guy. Come, put your hands together like you're clapping."

I followed her instructions.

To my surprise, she placed her hands around mine. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. What. Am I dreaming? Shes known for being an Ice Queen. How, why. I cannot. Oh am geee.
Even though her hands wasn't warm enough to make a difference, she made my heart pound so fast and activated my '汗宝宝' side of me. I was nervous till I perspired.

While rubbing my hands, she said
"Actually, I didn't feel anything. I mean, I was expecting huge weight on me, but it's as if that you slimmed down out of a sudden. The weight on me wasn't as heavy as just now when I made you fell on me."

"Haha. I casted black magic. Anyway, thanks for your concern."
I smirked.


"Oww. Okay, the truth is... you know it."
I winked before I left.

-End of Chapter 13

Yay. 700+ words. I combined 2 chap in one cos I dunno whut to give the title.
I find giving titles is harder than writing an entire fanfic.

Do comment ideas and how I can improve.
There might be typos, grammar mistakes and misused words, Do tell me. :)

A Lil' Bit Of Ruivin :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora