Chapter Three

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Ramin wanted to stay in her room for hours, continuing the back and forth that was happening just two seconds ago before the door was slammed in his face.

Sierra Boggess.

The girl with the red hair, bright eyes, and curious gaze. He could tell that she wasn't used to acting that way towards people, cold and snarky, and he wanted to know why he was different. But regardless of what was making her tick, Ramin was going to find out. He had to do. 

Once his interest was sparked in something, there was no going back. That was, after all, what convinced him to pursue musical theatre as a career, a simple spark of interest. Ramin sat down on his freshly made bed and stared at his blank walls, lost in thought of her. 

It was almost irritating, how his mind wouldn't shut up about her. Where was she from? What convinced her to major in musical theatre? What did her voice sound like? She surely had to talented. Ramin wanted to push out the thoughts that seemed to show themselves the loudest: What did she think of him? Does she have a boyfriend? Would she warm up to him? 

He closed his eyes and tried to will his mind to shut up about her, she wasn't important. College is a time for fun, freedom, and soul searching, not a time for Sierra Boggess. Or girls, in general. Yeah, that's what he meant to think. 

Still, Ramin found himself logging onto his laptop and pulling up the website that listed Barline's accepted members into the musical theatre program and scrolled to find her. 

Sierra Boggess moved to Barline from Denver, Colorado. Soprano. Former roles: Sarah Brown (Guys and Dolls), Hodel (Fiddler on the Roof), Sonya (Godspell). Sierra's goal throughout her career at Barline is to become the performer that she's always wanted to be. Dream roles: Christine Daae (the Phantom of the Opera), Emma (Jekyll and Hyde), Ariel (The Little Mermaid) 

Next to the summary was a photo of Sierra, a small smile on her lips and her green eyes locked with the camera lens. This girl was the one he wanted to know, along with the other side of her, the girl who dreamed of becoming a Disney princess. 

Right below Sierra's summary was Ramin's, that was just a coincidence, right? 

Ramin Karimloo moved to Barline from Richmond Hill, Ontario in Canada. Tenor. Ramin's goal throughout his career at Barline is to be transformed in a 'legitimate' musical theatre actor. Dream roles: Phantom (the Phantom of the Opera), Chris (Miss Saigon), Enjorlas (Les Miserables) 

It also had to be a coincidence that Ramin and Sierra's primary dream roles happened to be each other's love interests. Right, just a coincidence. Besides, Ramin was never really big into fate and destiny, things happen when you make them happen. A couple things that line up doesn't mean that this girl he barely knew was his soulmate. 

So why couldn't he stop thinking about her?

Ramin needed some air. He slid his room key into his pocket and closed the door quietly behind him as he headed toward the lobby of the dorm. He headed for the stairs, despite living on the sixth floor of the dorms, and made his way down with ease. 

Upon reaching the lobby, he only saw one figure there, otherwise it was proving to be a ghost town. Which, in retrospect, made sense. Barline was a relatively small college and this week was strictly for freshmen to move in, it would seem a bit empty for the first few days. Ramin was glad for that, it would undoubtedly make the transition much easier on him. 

Ramin wasn't the most outgoing guy in the world, his extroverted side worked in mysterious ways. Either he was charming and a social butterfly, or an absolute awkward and uncomfortable person to be around. There really was not much of a happy medium. So when the guy in the lobby immediately introduced himself as Ramin sat down across from him in the lobby, he was thankful. "Hadley Fraser, MT major." He stuck out his hand for Ramin to take, and they shook. Ramin introduced himself as well. 

Before he knew it, Ramin was listening to Hadley's entire life story with barely even the slightest encouragement for him to continue talking. He lived a couple hours away from Barline, it had always been his first choice of his options, one brother named Ed, parents who are happily married, long-time high school sweetheart girlfriend named Rosalie, and by the end of it, Ramin was surprised that he didn't know Hadley's weight and blood type (he did know his height, 5'10). 

So, Hadley was a bit of an over-sharer but it definitely made Ramin a lot more comfortable to open up with his own life. Just as Ramin got to the story of why he had to quit hockey, Hadley stopped him, "Just a second, Ramin," he stood up and continued, "Is that who I think it is?!" 

Ramin turned around to see no one other than Sierra, with a grin on her cheeks, "Oh my gosh, Hadley!" Ramin watched as Hadley pulled Sierra into his arms in one of the tightest hugs he may have ever seen. "It's been so long! I'm so glad you're here! You got in!" She exclaimed excitedly, nearly bouncing up in down with her energy, it was nearly electric. Then the look fell off her face, "Unless you didn't, and you're here for a different program. In which, I am so sorry-" 

"No, you're fine! I'm in! We're gonna run this town just like we agreed to during those master classes!" Hadley told her. Sierra, the girl who nearly tackled Ramin in her dorm room earlier, giggled. Giggled! Ramin was sure his jaw was nearly on the floor.

Sierra looked elated before closing their reunion with, "Hey, we'll have to meet up later, okay? I have a meeting with my academic adviser about some gen ed class they double scheduled me for." Hadley nodded, and without another glance back, Sierra walked off and out of the dorm. Ramin watched until her red ponytail was out of sight before turning back to Hadley.

"How do you know her?" Ramin asked, maybe a bit too eagerly. 

Hadley laughed, "We came for the same week of auditions, so we did the three master classes together. In the acting class, we had to have partners and we were assigned to each other, hit it off immediately. She's potentially the kindest soul I've ever met." 

Then what was her personal vendetta against Ramin? If he recalled correctly, she practically shoved him out of her room and then slammed the door in his face. "Really?" Ramin questioned.

"Oh yeah, hippie parents who taught her to love everything and all and encouraged her to follow her dreams. How can you not end up an amazing person after all that support in your life, y'know?" Hadley replied.

Ramin found himself to be very happy that Hadley had a longtime girlfriend, or his mild jealously over his closeness (and overall, Sierra's love for Hadley) with Sierra would have been much greater. 

"I'll have to introduce you two sometime, from what I can tell, you two would really hit it off." Hadley told Ramin earnestly. 

He scoffed, "We've already met." Hadley raised his brow, demanding more information. "I basically fell into her dorm room after thinking it was mine and she was none too pleased, then was in no mood for any form of small talk or 'getting to know you's'." Ramin explained. 

"Hm. Doesn't sound like her. Don't worry, I'm sure she was just tired or something." 

Ramin really wanted to believe that, but for some reason, he felt as though she had already made up her mind about Ramin, and Sierra's feelings towards him was not something that Ramin felt he could change. But he would sure as hell try. 

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