Hey! She's Different!

Start from the beginning

"Because I would love to know what beautiful name accompanies such a beautiful lady?" He explained, sauntering up to her, flexing his wings as he walked.

"And I would care, because...?" She asked, her bored expression almost shocking Fenrix. Was he seriously having trouble flirting with a female? Since when?!


Lucky was dying to see this playboy break. He thought he could flirt with her and she'd, what? Turn to putty in his paws? Some hope.

Although, some of the things he'd said had nearly made her blush. She hasn't blushed at something a male had said since she was a kit when her crush, Azo, told her he liked her eyes. That was years ago, and she'd never reacted since. This one was good, just not good enough. Close, mind you.

Fenrix didn't seem to have a retort for her. He shrugged and walked on past. "It's good manners." She was sure he mumbled as he did so. She stood there, taken aback by his reaction. Meanwhile Fenrix had turned to face her slightly.

"You say that if it weren't for me you'd have caught some breakfast? Well, then, can I treat you?" He asked. Lucky turned to him. The smirk was back on his face. Damn, she was sure she'd been able to wipe it off - wait, what'd he say?

"You'd treat me?" She mocked, sceptic. Fenrix nodded, his gaze unwavering. Unsure, Lucky started to walk towards him. "What's on your menu? Just rabbit?" She asked, regaining come of her spunky wit. Fenrix grinned.

"If you'd like. I said it treat you, that means a lot is on the menu. Rabbit, pigeon, fish... Me." Lucky spun her head to look at him and saw him grin hugely, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Lucky rolled her eyes and decided to take a little more control in this game.

She lept in frount of him and pushed his chin up with her tail. Although his expression remained stoic, his eyes portrayed a little surprise. "Well, well, so you're on the menu? Hmm..." She eyed him, smirking at his relaxed muscles. "No, I don't think I'd like that. I'll go with fish, I'm tired of rabbit, and I don't like pigeon." She relased him and he smiled.

"Fish it is then, miss...?" He smiled, again trying to get her name. Lucky enjoyed playing hard to get, and wasn't about to stop.

"Maybe when you've made up for loosing my breakfast, maybe then I'll tell you." She smirked.


Both started walking, Fenrix leading the way. He knew where a good trout river was, and although he himself wasn't a huge fan of fish, he enjoyed fishing, or even just splashing about in the water.

Soon, the suns reflection was seen dancing on the trees, and Fenrix knew they were close. His companion didn't seem to know where she was at all, so she was deffinatly new. The river here was a valued spot for cooling off in the summer, which was fast approaching, a prized resource of fresh water and place for fishing. Many felix's came here. Fenrix had picked up more than one female at this spot, now he thought about it.

Surprisingly though, there was no one there as the river itself came into view. Fenrix guessed it was too early. He approached the edge and began to drink, soon joined by his companion, a small ways off. She didn't looked at him, but instead kept her eyes shut.

Fenrix stopped drinking for a moment to look at her. Being so relaxed at the waters edge was not something felix's did regularly, as they did have predators who would find it easier to take them when their guard was down, and felix's were not the best swimmers. If this female was relaxed enough to close her eyes and rely solely on her other senses, then she was either totally oblivious of the dangers, or she felt safe with him. Fenrix hoped it was the latter.

He didn't stay staring for long, and turned his attention to the river. He stared through the crystal water, searching for his prey. There were some, near the bottom, but they were so small they weren't worth getting wet over.

Just then, his eye caught the sight of a very large trout, swimming up river towards him... Come to Fenrix, big juicy trout...


Lucky stopped drinking when she noticed that Fenrix had stopped. He looked transfixed on the water, eyes staring into the cool liquid, in total hunting mode. She found herself noticing the suns rays reflecting off the water, dancing on his face. He may have an ego and was a total flirt, but he was deffinatly handsome enough to pull it off, even without horns. He never did tell her why he doesn't have any. He didn't even appear to have any stumps indicating he once had some, or had some coming.

She decided not to desturb him. When she was on the hunt, she hated anything at dared to desturb her. She was a good huntress, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it. She was, however, enjoying having Fenrix do the hunting for her. She sat back and waiting silently.

Suddenly, Fenrix dived into the river. She flinched, surprised, and smiled when he came out with a large trout in his jaws. It thrashed a bit, but soon stopped as Fenrix whacked it against the bank. He padded up to Lucky and nudged it next to her. He shook himself down, causing spray to fall on her. She chuckled under her breath and looked at the mouthwatering fish.

"Thanks." She said.

"No problem. Hope you enjoy. Only the best, for a goddess like you." Fenrix added with a smirk. "I caught the best I could find. Was it worthy of hearing the angelic name that belongs to you?" He asked.

Lucky smirked and approached him.


She came closer with a smirk on her face. Her eyes were shining with playfulness. Fenrix didn't think she would tell him her name right now, but he wasn't about to give up. She was playing hard to get, and he was a master of that game. He'd have her name.

What he didn't expect her to do was just what she did. She came up close, her breath warm on his ear and, with half-lidded eyes, told him her name.

"Lucky Feather."

Fenrix would have taken the time to enjoy his moment of triumph, if it weren't for the fact that Lucky had again taken control of the situation. She spun around, grabbed her trout and kicked him back into the river. It didn't hurt, and he supposed she hadn't intended to hurt him, but the shock of both the act and the cold water stunned him. By the time he'd gotten his bearings, all he could see was Lucky Feather flying away, looking back at him sitting in the river with shining eyes and the trout in her jaws. When she was out of sight, he smiled.

Well... She's different...

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