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Luhan and Zitao were sitting in a café.

"It's arranged?"

"That's what the dinner was about last night," Luhan replied, sipping the coffee. "But you mustn't let anyone know that it's arranged. Omma and Mr. and Mrs. Oh are going to tell the press that we've been together for a year already." Luhan sighed. "The ironic thing was that we broke up for a year already."

"But you still love him right?" Zitao asked, pausing to choose his words carefully, knowing that it was a sensitive topic. Luhan nodded. "Well at least you have something to look forward to every morning."

Luhan laughed sarcastically. "He's probably going to make me sleep in another room, and when out parents come over, he'll make me sleep in his for show. Sehun's changed a lot."

The two continued to sip their drinks and eat the pastries on the table.

"How's it like being married?" Luhan asked out of the blue.

"To Yifan? It's like not being married at all." Luhan cocked his head to the side, a confused expression on his face. "I never get to see him," Zitao explained, "He's gone before I wake up, and I'm asleep when he gets home. It's an endless cycle. Even weekends are lonely because he's a workaholic." Zitao sighed. "I hope your marriage is better."

"But he loves you. You know that at the end of the day, he's going to be home and that he loves you. For me, it's different. I don't know if Sehun'll be home, and know for a fact he hates me."

"You don't forget your first love," Zitao mumbled.


"You're his first love. You don't forget your first love."


Sehun waited at the red light, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He glanced at the white bag next to him, red tissue paper sticking out from the top. Sehun huffed, blowing his bangs out of his face. "Hurry up..." he mumbled. When the light turned green, he stepped on the gas and sped down the street.

Sehun made his way up to the fifth floor and went down the familiar hallway to apartment 510. He clicked the doorbell and waited.

"Why are you here?" he heard a soft voice say.

"My mother wanted me to apologize for leaving you last night." Sehun held up the gift bag. "I brought this." He heard a small beep and then the door opened, revealing Luhan in an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants, hair disheveled.

"Apology accepted." Luhan stuck out his hand and Sehun handed him the bag. "Goodbye," Luhan said, closing the door. Sehun blocked it with his foot.

"She wants me to 'get to know you.'" Luhan gave him a look but opened the door and let Sehun in.

"You want water or tea?" Luhan asked, dropping the gift bag on the couch and disappearing into the kitchen.

"Water's fine." Sehun cleared the sofa and put the stack of papers on the floor next to him. He sat down and waited. Luhan came out a few seconds later with a water bottle and tossed it at Sehun, who caught it.

"Do you want me to refresh your memory? Or do you remember things but have to stay here?" Luhan asked. He scratched his head and ruffled his hair, blinking tiredly.

"Did I wake you up?" Sehun asked. "I can come back another time..."

"Why do you sound so nice? Yesterday you called me pathetic. Today you're talking as if nothing happened. What happened to 'this marriage is an act'?" Luhan didn't feel like arguing with Sehun today, but he wanted to know why the other was so different. Was this an act? He wanted the truth.

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