Chapter 2: bricks partner in drama

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Chapter 2

Brick P.O.V

I was walking home and thinking a lot lately who's that girl everyone bullies she is like a puzzle that no one can fix, she doesn't eat, she self harms, she gets bullied, she's quiet and I never saw her smile. that's all I know about her, uh never mind she's not my problem I have my own girlfriend to handle.

Blossom P.O.V

I looked around to see no one I walked in the forest an ran fast as I could so no one could follow yeah am slow because I am weak, when I got to my place I saw king playing around with a frog, wow he has a lot to play with. When king looked up to see me he left the frog and jumped on me I smiled at him as he licked my face.

"King sit" I said between my laughter, he got of me and sat down "good boy" I said, "ok I'll be in the tent getting changed" I walked to the tent and zipped it open and walked in, I zipped it for it to close, I got change into my old clothes. I got out of the tent, king was playing about, I laughed I grabbed the stick next to the tent he loved this stick so much when he saw me pick it up he was jumping up and down "ready" he nodded I laughed and throw it "fetch boy fetch" I said as he ran the way where the stick was going I smiled and sat on the Rock and started a fire I was really getting cold here, as the fire was thee i got myself worm I smiled as king came with a stick I smiled and he put it next to me I grabbed it and threw it again he ran I looked at the fire, I sadden as I remembered my past, I pushed the thoughts away and got up I garbed my other old clothes and went to the pond and started to wash it as I cleaned it I got up and put the on the rag for it to dry so it would be ready for it to be ready for tomorrow after school I sat on the hard ground and looked at the fire king came dropped the stick and laid down next to me, I started to stroke king.

"Why do we have to have the biggest problem, here" I said as king quietly barked "I hate my life so bad ok but only you make me happy, right know, I wish my parents was here and you would be with your owners" I said as king cuddled closer to me and I kept stroking him. Why would someone leave the dog he was one of my bests friends he is so loyal and smart why would someone leave him I don't know how he was in those forest but I bet it wasn't good or maybe he was lost. I just hate my life so bad I just want to die but I don't want to leave king he been with me so long I can't bare leaving him alone. Tears started to form my eyes, I started to cry, I garbed something sharp out of my pocket and cut myself on the wrist I three time let the blood run out I cried as the pain was there in my arm, I looked at the fire I fill like I should just die but I love king without king I would of kill myself but I stopped but I still think of sue-sidle.

As the night came I got up and went to grab my tooth brush and tooth past I stole from shop, I need to have clean teeth and fresh so they don't think that I don't clean myself and they'll laugh at me Evan worse right now it's not that bad, oh who am I kidding its shit. I pushed the thoughts away and went to the pond brushed my teeth. I went back to my tent I got inside dressed into my pj I got out of the tent and burnt the fire down, it was dark without the fire, I looked at the dark area, I sighed and got inside "king come on boy bed time" I told him he got up and walked inside the tent and laid down, u closed The tent and laid down next to king and let a tear out and let the night take over.


I woke up as my dog woke me up I sat up lazily I looked at him and smiled "good morning king" I said as he barked quietly. I opened the tent and he ran out to do his own thing, I sighed as the light got into my eyes. Uh how I hate the sun it's always means time for a rubbish day. I got up and got changed into my uniform grabbed my tooth brush and paste and walked out I stretched myself and walked over to the pond and brushed my teeth. I got back went to look for some food as I looked at a tree full of apples I smiled as I got up and grabbed it, I smiled and jumped down, who doesn't say a girl lives in a forest for so long and can't be flexible. I laughed at myself as I walked back and eat the apple king came back from his hunt and started to eat a squirrel I smiled I closed the tent. "King am going to school have fun ok, stay on guard" I said as he barked and started to eat I smiled and grabbed the bag and walked out of my place as I saw the road I looked around and smiled and walked out.

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