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Susan woke up the next morning with sun streaming through the turret windows.
She looked up at her circular ceiling and smiled. She was in her room, her very own little room, just as she'd dreamed in the toy shop yesterday.
She glanced over at her bedside clock. The red numerals said 7:15.
Yawning, she pushed back the covers and swung her legs over side of the bed. She felt for her slippers, then picked her way through the unopened moving boxes that were strewn across her floor, heading for her dresser.
A glance in the bureau mirror told her that her hair was a mess, as usual.
Without even looking, she picked up her comb and ran it through her hair. But ghe comb felt strange and clunky. She held it out and looked at it.
It wasn't her comb. This comb was made of wood, with big, thick teeth.
"Where did this come from?" she said aloud.
Maybe it belonged to one of the moving men. That would make sense. And yet she couldn't remember any of them wearing dreadlocks or anything that would require a special comb like this.
Oh, well. There was no point in worrying about it. Right now she was in the mood for some breakfast.
Susan threw on her robe and started to open her bedroom door.
Just then a shadow fell across her room, as though the sun had been blocked out by a black cloud. She turned and looked toward the window.
What she saw made the blood drain from her face in terror.
An eye, a huge, blue human eye, was pressed against the window, looking in at her. It blinked.
Trembling, Susan backed against the door. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. She couldn't make a sound.
She tried again. Still nothing.
The enormous, staring eye backed away, and she saw a huge head with big tufts of white hair outside the window.
It was Jeremy Tidwell, the owner of the toy shop! He was smiling, as if he could see her---as if he was pleased with what he saw.
I'm a doll, and this is a dollhouse, Susan thought frantically. My wishes really have come true. I'm living in the dollhouse. And I'm trapped in here forever!

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