Chapter 36

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Sorry this is a short chapter :(


"Let's go lets go!" Avery pulled my hand.

Did her stomach get bigger?

"Well obviously!" She threw her hands up.

Shit did I say that out loud?


"Harry just fill the truck up with the boxes," she walked away.

Yep the doctor did mention mood swings and she's going through one right now.

"Hey dude," James walked over putting his hands in his pocket


"Where'd she go?"

"I said something and she left," I shrugged.


"How's Felicity? She hasn't came by in a while."

"She's good and she just wants to give you guys some space."

Avery walked outside with 3 apples

"Hey Avery," he said walking up to her "apples? Sweet"

"No!" She swatted his hand "Mine."

"Sharing is caring," I grinned.

"You," she pointed at me. "You can't complain because you did this to me."

"Daaaammnn," James laughed.

"Shut up," she threw an apple at him but he caught it.

"Thanks Babe," he winked.

"Only Harry gets to call me that" she crossed her arms

Is it bad that sometimes I loved her mood swings or when she's all sassy? It's actually really hot.

"Yup," I agreed then leaned in trying to give her a kiss until she stopped me

"Oh no no no," she shook her head

"What?" I frowned

"Boxes" she pointed to them then laid on the grass munching on her apple

"So whats up with that?" James asked as we walked to the truck

"She craves apples.....a lot"

"Interesting," he chuckled. "So are you excited that you're moving in today?"

"Yeah this is the last batch" I pointed to the stuff. John (AVERYS dad...just in case you forgot) put furniture in a few days ago. He also put kitchen supplies, toilet paper and stuff so we wouldn't have to worry about it. All we have to do is hang up our clothes"

"That's awesome."

We finished talking about packing up the truck.

"Aveeee!" I yelled from outside.

She got up and waddled over to me.

"You ready to go?"

"It's move in day!" She squealed hugging both of us.


I got into the car and she frowned looking up.


"I can't get up there."

"Shit sorry," I helped her up.

"It's okay," she kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna go catch up with Nick I'll catch up with you guys later," James closed the door the the window was open.

"Alright bye," we waved and I started the engine.

"Bye home," I whispered and she put her hand on my knee.

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