Dreams Can Come True

Start from the beginning

There was blood coming from her ears and I noticed her eyes were also glowing, but gold not red like Derek's.

As I knelt beside Erica; Stiles, 2 girls and another boy darted forward all yielding weapons but looking otherwise completely themselves other than the pure fierceness in there eyes.

Stiles was the fastest, his long legs climbing the ground as though he was a professional track runner, and he arrived there just as the woman shouted out a word in a foreign language.

Another gun shot rang in my ears as everyone other than myself and the woman fell to the ground.

The woman exploded into a cloud of crimson dust.

Slowly and what looked to be painfully the bodies laying along the glade started to move.

But in a way I was sure was not their doing as I started to here sounds of bones cracking and I had to back away from Erica as she started to shake violently.

At first I thought she was having a seizure but suddenly there was a white flash and all that was left of my daughter was a pile of clothes that was ebbing a warm glow.

I sat and stared at the pile as it became nothing more than the pair of jeans and warn out concert t-shirt my little baby Erica had been wearing.

The I cried.

The heavens above seemed to pity me and started to descend tears of it's own and soon the clothes were drenched in rain.

One of the piles further to my right started to move and I stared at it dubiously, not baring to hope against hope that they could all be fine.

Then more started to move and curiously I reached out to place a hand on Erica's pile and jumped back when it started to move too, revealing a small grey and white husky puppy.

Startled, I watched cautiously more and more puppies emerged from the clothe mounds and gathered in the middle of the glade where they began to bark at one another.

They must have settled on something because 10 minuets later after barking and fighting they ran to the scattered clothes, hid them and started of into the woods.

Opening my eyes to the sunlight pouring into my room was a relief.

It was a dream.

My Erica's fine.

Mrs McCall had told me that her and her friends had gone on a camping trip.

They were all fine.

That was until I saw another woman standing behind me, the Sheriff and Melissa standing in the doorway.

Feet surrounded by a litter of puppies.

The same puppies.

Melissa gave me what I assumed was meant to be a reassuring smile, as did the Sheriff, before approaching me as though I was one of her patients that had been traumatized. Ina a way I guess I had been, but she didn't know that.

Did she?

The puppies seemed to follow her, and the last one in the room seemed cautious until it locked eyes with me, then it jumped up on the bed and licked my cheek as though in apology.

"Oh, Erica," I chocked back a sob and hugged the pup, my daughter, to my chest "what did you get yourself into this time"

This seemed to be enough of a cue for the others to relax slightly as though they had been dreading my reaction.

I don't blame them.

I would too.

Derek POV

The plan was simple.

We go in.

Alex hacked into the parents dreams and showed them the truth.

They woke up.

We answer their questions as best we can.

It was a simple plan and I liked it.

It had nothing to do with the fact that Stiles was the one who had come up with it in the first place.

It was the idea that we planed to use with all the parents, gain there support and understanding and hopefully a drop of their blood.

Mrs Reyes was taking it well and I just hoped that Boyd' mom, Lydia's mom and Danny's parents tomorrow night take it them same way.

Chris had yet to be told which would be a fun ordeal.

Erica's mom was the test trial to see whether the 'dream hacking' would work, and as far as we could tell it did even if it took slightly longer than we thought.

1 down 3 to go.

Sorry I haven't updated in like 3 weeks... Exams, homework, 4 year old birthday parties... Yeah also writers block so thank you to Matthew, bless him, who gave his excellent idea of the dream thing to tell the parents and yeah, I hope you like and please don't hate me.

Also some feedback would be good, what I'm doing right and what I need to improve.

Thank you :)


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