Harry sighed. "Is she being told all of this?"

"Her father is going to explain the schedule to her, yes."

"I wonder what she'll make of it," he mused.

"It doesn't matter. She has to keep to it."

"What's the first thing again?"

"Dinner. Tomorrow. Then going home together."

"I suppose Pa is going to arrange for a 'member of the public'-" He made quotation marks in the air with his fingers. "To take a picture of us arriving at Kensington together, right?"

"Right. And then the next morning a 'passer by'-" Edward, too, made quotation marks. "-will see you drop her off back home. They'll tweet it."

Harry sighed and scowled in the same moment, getting to his feet as he shook his head. "This is my life now, isn't it? This is what my life is going to be for the next however many decades until I die."

Edward looked sympathetic. "I'm sure it won't be so bad when you've been married for a while."

"Great," Harry snapped.

"Besides, you and Emmaline will get better at it. You'll know when it's a good moment to kiss, or to hug. Your banter will start, and the press will love that. Before long it'll be natural to you both."

He sighed and turned towards the door. "Is that all?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Hold on," Edward said, clicking around on the laptop before hurrying over to his printer and thrusting a piece of paper into Harry's hands. "The arrangements for Saturday."

Harry crumpled it in his fist, gave his secretary an undeserved glare, and stalked from the room.

But once he was home he carefully flattened it out and stuck it on the fridge so as to not forget.

Emmy rung her hands nervously as Chris drove her to the restaurant. Sat in the back, she listened half-heartedly to his and Taylor's conversation, discussing the movie that they were on their way to see.

"What time do you want me to come pick you up?" Chris asked. "Or is Harry giving you a lift?"

Taylor giggled. "Emmy isn't coming home tonight."

Emmy had discussed the arrangements that Alexander and Charles had come to with Taylor, who had found it extremely amusing and had given her a two-pack of condoms "just in case".

Chris frowned, then grinned. "Woah, this is getting serious."

"Shut up, Chris," Emmy said.

"You'll be married before you know it."

He received a glare from Emmy and an amused frown from Taylor, who tried to fight a laugh.

"So, you're staying over his, huh?"

"Yep," Emmy said. "I'm not even allowed to take a change of clothes. I have to be seen in the same dress."

"Walk of shame," Taylor teased.

"Are you taking anything for tonight?" Chris asked.

"I gave her some condoms," Taylor replied dismissively.

"I'm taking my toothbrush, hairbrush, make up. All that," Emmy answered, as though Taylor hadn't spoken.

"PJs?" Chris asked.

Emmy swore. "Forgot."

"Whoops, you'll have to sleep in the nude," Taylor quipped. "In Harry's bed-"

History Repeats Itself - A Prince Harry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now