Chapter Seven

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Harry Styles

I paced around Angie's office; anticipating her arrival.

I tapped my foot against her beautifully black and white tiled floor, impatiently.

I had gotten bored with tapping my foot against her beautifully black and white tiled floor so I decided to walk around her office.

This was the first time I had absorbed how beautiful her office was.

Everything was very modern. Her office was spacious.

She had a black sofa at the back of the room. Everything was glass. Even her table was.

I walked over to her table.

I found a picture of her and a man sitting next to her. They held hands and smiled into the camera.

Who is this?

The one next to it was one of a young girl and an even younger boy sitting on a bench having ice-cream.

The last one was of her and all her bridesmaid. She had a smile on her face that said she was ecstatic.

Who were these people? Was the girl her niece? And the boy her nephew? She couldn't be a mom.
You could tell by her face because she was only in her late twenties.
So, she's married and that could be her kids.

No. Nope.

I don't know much about her. Actually, I know nothing about her.

"Snooping around, Styles?" A voice asked; Angelina Jolie.

"Hope you found what you were looking for," I turned to look at her.

She had her hand on the door knob and her body was leaning on the door.

"Of course I did," I replied, cheekily.

"Ha!" She harrumphed.

She walked into the office. She closed the door.

"What do you want?"

She walked to her table and grabbed the photo out of my hand.

"I wanted to apologize," I stated while taking a seat at her desk.

"For snooping around or just taking a seat at my desk without asking?"

"For insulting your work."

I answered, ignoring both her assumptions.

"Didn't even bother me." She fake smiled.

She opened her laptop and started typing away, completely ignoring me.

I cleared my throat but she stayed silently reading E-mails probably and typing on her laptop.

I stood up and shut her laptop.

"What the hell?!" She yelled.

"Can you not?! I'm trying to make it up to you!"

"Make it up! The words 'I'm sorry' didn't even leave your stupid mouth!"

"So you lied."

"So you listened," we said, both astonished at each other.

"Let me make it up to you, please?" She stood up and tried to walk out, but I stopped her.

"No. I'm sorry. You're not worth it. You've done nothing but cause trouble. Harriet, you're just a boy whose boy band fell to pieces. Accept it. We all did."

She pushed my hand out of the way and walked towards the door.

"You're ignorant and you're immature. You've got a big head. And I'm the type of person who cannot stand that. Goodbye," she said opening the door.

I stood up and walked to her.

"Unbroken is a horrible movie," I said and walked out.

I didn't want to say that. After all, I came to say that Unbroken was not a terrible movie. It just came out so that I felt better. She said horrible things that made me like dirt, I wanted her to feel the same way.

When I said it, I thought that it would leave a good feeling but, it made me feel worse.


Angelina Jolie

"Kids, I'm home," I said as I closed the front door and dropped my bag on the ground.

I took my heels off and left next to my bag.

"Chloe?," I asked as I realised no one answered me. I walked up the stairs.

"Tris?" I asked. I got no return to my familiar voice.

Fearing the worst, I grabbed the closet thing to me... A candle stick.


I opened Chloe's bedroom door but no one was in there.

Where are they?!

I checked in Tristan's room, but nothing but a toys laid on his bed and sat on his chair.

I checked the room where I was absolutely certain they were not.

I opened my bedroom door to find Tristan with his hands across Chloe's waist and his eyes closed. While, Madame Morbit had a book on her face and her brother's head in her stomach. I dropped the candle stick.

I smiled and carefully tipped toed towards them.

I removed the book from Chloe's face and warming them with my fluffy blanket.

"Mom?" Chloe asked as she opened her  eyes.

"Shush. You'll wake your brother," I said.

"Mhmm," she murmed.

"Look at you, fast asleep at half-past nine."

I chuckled.

I went and took a shower and took my blankets and pillows and my phone to my guest bedroom.

I was sleeping there for the night since I had people sleeping on it.

I turned off the light and was out like the light was.

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