"Well, two hours, perhaps?" She said nervously, faking a smile as she looked down at him.

Erik sighed, and dropped her hand. "Alright... Have a nice time," he said with a reluctant smile.

"I shall see you soon, angel," she whispered, planting one last kiss to his forehead. She backed up, turned on her heel, and scurried out to go meet Raoul in the garden.

Erik stayed at his organ, running his fingers through his dark hair, trying to figure out what was going on with Christine and why she was lying to him about where she was actually going. There was something...off. He couldn't quite place what it was, but he knew Christine, and so he knew there was something wrong. The masked man sighed and got up, deciding to go see if Christine's room held any clue as to her mysterious actions; the actions that had Erik baffled beyond belief.

He slowly approached the door, trying to decide if he should go in or not. If he went in, wouldn't that be disrespecting Christine's privacy? Suddenly the words she spoke that first day, echoed in his mind: "It's okay...This is your house. You can come in here..." He sighed and pushed the door open, even though it was still against his better judgment.

He turned the knob, and slowly walked into her room. The white color was slightly foreign to him, as he was used to being in darkness for most of his life, so his eyes had to adjust for a moment. He had far exceeded her expectations, even if Christine expected nothing, to make sure that she would be perfectly comfortable in her new quarters.

Erik looked around her room, trying to find something that would give him a hint as to why she was acting so strange. He looked quite odd, he realized as he peaked a glimpse of his reflection in her vanity mirror; his tall form dressed all in black as he stood in that dainty, white room. He turned away. Erik carefully glanced around the room, sighing softly when he found nothing. He was about to leave when suddenly, something caught his eye.

He turned back around and quickly walked to the center of the room, where he scooped up a piece of crumpled up paper with his gloved hand.

Little Lotte,
Meet me in the garden behind the opera house at precisely 11 a.m.
Until then,


Erik's mind whirled in hurt and anger as he continuously read the note over and over. Thoughts of her betrayal edged him on and pulled at his heart strings. He crumpled the note up and threw it on her bed, making sure that she would notice it once she came back into her room.

She's cheating on me, he thought angrily to himself, grunting in frustration. She tells me she loves me just to mess with my emotions and to get inside of my mind. She took control of my music...she took control of me! That little vixen!

Erik stormed out of the room and into the elaborate music room. There were mirrors all around the small room, each of them strategically placed to give the illusion that the room was much larger than it actually was. He examined his masked face in the mirror. Groaning in agony, he ripped the piece of porcelain off of his face, revealing his deformity. His hollow cheek caused his bones to be tightly pressed against the delicate, transparent skin. Twisted flesh and blemished skin ran in patches over his face, reaching into his hairline. He snarled at himself, absolutely repulsed by his own face.

No wonder...she could never truly love me... He thought in self-loathing. Of course she would run into the arms of that fop. He's handsome and young... Something that I'll never be.

Erik groaned in heart-splintering agony and placed his mask back on his face. He felt the need to kill. His blood was boiling, and his breathing was becoming short and ragged. Erik punched the mirror in front of him, shattering it into tiny pieces. Shards of the mirror stuck out of his knuckles as blood trickled down his fingers and pooled up on the floor. He continued to punch the mirror, completely numb to the pain. Nothing was right anymore, and nothing could sate the ever growing aching in his heart. The only thing that he could focus on was Christine and how she had betrayed him.

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