ᴥThe Underground Kingdomᴥ

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It took us thirty minutes to row across the lake according to Jasper’s watch. When we arrived to the other side of the lake my sisters and I were amazed to see twelve empty posts on another dock to tie rowboats to.

            All of us are off of the boats and are yards away from the castle entrance. None of us dare take a step. Not even Amber, who instead of going towards the bright front gates, shrinks away from it. Turquoise puts one hand on her hip as she assesses the guests entering either by carriage or foot. Some of my sisters might be rash but none of us are crazy enough to crash a party we are not invited to. Or at least, I hope so.

            “Okay, we see the castle. Now we go back home because we are not invited,” I reply as I point towards our boats.

            Sapphire’s eyes shimmer with excitement as she grabs my arm and ask, “Can’t we just at least see if there is a buffet. Whoever lives here won’t get hurt by twelve hungry girls having a snack right?”

            Garnet nods vigorously. “Besides, it looks like there are a lot of guests already. Twelve more won’t break the bank for whoever’s throwing the party.” She walks forward with a confidence most ladies don’t carry until their mid-twenties.

            I huff as I say, “Fine. Only food and then we are out.”

            When my other sisters walk in front of me towards the gates Emerald stays back by my side as I walk slowly towards the imposing castle. “You should stop giving ultimatums. They will stop taking you seriously if you do.”

            “What did you want to tell me about the twelve boats?” I snap back at her.

       Emerald’s posture becomes straight and even though I feel bad for making her stand at attention, I don’t show it.

            “Okay, I am going to lay out this situation. First, there is a secret passage way into a wonderful place with trees made of silver, gold, and clear diamonds. Second, we happen to find twelve boats with their oars in them, and third there is a castle lit with guests dressing from a completely different time.” I stare at a lady entering the castle with a ruffle skirt and a feather in her hair. Then I see a guy with balloon capri pants. The kind minstrels used centuries ago. I also notice another startling detail both of these strangers share. They're wearing masks...the fancy kind for only one kind of party. A Masquerade.

            My heart races as most of my sisters are near the entrance. I run after them, and don't bother to see if Emerald follows. "Wait!" I loudly whisper as I stop in front of all of them with heavy breathing. "We can't go inside."

            "Why not?" asks Jade with a pout on her face.  

            I point at another couple going inside with masks on their faces too. "This looks like a masquerade party and none of us has masks on. We'll stick out like a sore thumb."

             Amber shakes her head as she says, "We'll find a way, but I'm going to get my ass to that party whether you like it or not." Amber's venomous voice almost shakes me to my core. However, I won't let this show.

             Walking towards her I say, "Be careful about your language Amber." Then turning to the others I ask, "Does anyone else still want to go despite not being properly dressed?"

            All of my sisters, except Emerald and I raise their hands. I turn towards the castle entrance a few feet away as I reply, "Well, we better find some masks to wear huh?" Emerald joins my side and holds my hand reassuringly. I keep my head high as Emerald and I stand at the front gates. We notice the hall is filled with people talking with fuzzy drinks in glasses and soft strains of music. “Quite a party huh,” replies Emerald. “The question is who is the party being held for?”

The Dancers ©حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن