Chapter 1

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"Donnaaaaaaa!" the Doctor shouted, clinging onto the closest hand rail on the TARDIS console. The TARDIS was jerking up and down and around in all sorts of unusual and uncomfortable ways, even for the Doctor.

"I'm trying!" shouted Donna, exhausted from trying to work out which button did what and which levers to avoid all while trying to stay upright. Her flaming red hair blew into her face as she was tossed about this way and that. "Maybe if you were a better teacher-!"

"Maybe if you were a better student!" the Doctor interrupted. The TARDIS gave a massive lurch to the right. The Doctor and Donna tightened their grip on the hand rails and continued to spit insults at each other.

"Do something!" Donna commanded, looking around the large pillar at the center of the console to throw the Doctor a nasty look. He returned it with an equally disdainful expression, similar to an elementary schoolboy's face of disgust when asked about girls, to which the child would respond, "Girls are icky!"

"I'm trying!" The Doctor retorted as he pressed a few buttons and typed quickly into a typewriter while flicking a few levers. "Come on, old thing!" He hit the console hard on the side, hoping that it would knock sense into the old machine. Her response was not what he expected. Instead of calming down, the TARDIS seemed to accelerate faster than Donna had ever felt it move.

"Just land already!" Donna cried, unable to hold on for much longer.

The TARDIS stopped. The TARDIS certainly hadn't landed, but they didn't care much at that point so the Doctor and Donna rushed to the front doors. They were locked.

"Oh come on!" The Doctor pleaded. He was facing the doors, almost hugging them, literally begging them to open.

"That's what you get," Donna said with her arms crossed, "for not showing me how to fly it properly."

"Me?" The Doctor whipped around and put his hands on his hips in outrage. "I wasn't the one who set the coordinates to 6! Seriously? Who thinks '6' will get them anywhere in space and time?"

"Well how am I to know? I've never flown a space-time machine thing before!"

"Well-" the Doctor's retort was cut short by an explosion from the console. It sent small bits of debris flying toward the Doctor and Donna. Smoke started to rise from the small fire now lit on the dimensional stabilizer.

"No no no no no!" The Doctor ran full speed back up to the console and began desperately flipping switches and turning knobs in hope that he could fix this. He hit the dimensional stabilizer hard with his long, beige trench coat in a feeble attempt to smother the roaring flames, which he took off for that purpose. "Not now! Come on, old thing! Hang in there!" Speed started to increase again through the vortex and Donna could feel the worst of it where she was standing; near the door. The room started spinning and her head became excruciatingly light. The Doctor's exasperated and desperate voice was becoming faint when everything suddenly stopped. They had arrived.

The fire on the console went out and the Doctor put on his coat again. Smoke had filled almost the entire main control room by the time the Doctor opened the doors and pushed Donna out before him. Coughing and sputtering, they emerged unharmed from the machine into a smaller, whiter room. They were in a hospital room that housed only one patient; a girl, age 15 or so. She looked at them with great interest and astonishment.

"I guess this is what 6 is, then," Donna remarked, looking around.

"No, I reset the coordinates after the console exploded," the Doctor explained. "Which wouldn't have happened if you listened to my instructions!"

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