"Now, everybody. Form a line." We pushed people from behind because I want to try that, it seems cool.

"Move it slowpokes." I shouted as I pass through all the kids and I heard someone laugh at me.

I looked behind to see Draco and asked, "Why are you laughing at me?"

"You're becoming like us." I just snickered.

"I am and was already like you."

"Move it then slowpoke, i'm just escorting you to the front." He said and I laughed at that.

Currently, i'm right behind Ron. He gets to go first. Ron is actually scared of spiders (I already know that from last year) but after the charm, it turned into a spider with rollerskates. Good laugh!

"Now you." Professor Lupin pointed at me. I walked towards the spider and at one point, it changed into a big, a really big creepy fucking werewolf!!!

I was backing out already and I felt Harry hold me because I was really getting scared. I look over to Professor Lupin who seemed so shock as well, guessing we fear the same thing.

Then out of nowhere he said, "Ready your wand."

"Ridiculous!" I shouted and all the werewolf's hair was off basically that animal was naked. Really funny, I thought.

I then went over to the back at the corner where Draco and the other Slytherin's are. I was then greeted with,

"You're scared of were-wolves? It doesn't even exist." Draco.

"It does." I answered. We then watch Harry. It took a minute to turn the shaved were-wolf into a... Dementor!

"Great Harry, just great." I thought.

Professor Lupin put a stop to it, the dementor became a full moon? Then with the charm, Ridiculous! It turned into a balloon making farting noise. I didn't laugh because full moons are my favorite though it's quite ironic with my fears.

"Full-moon? He's scared of a freaking full moon?" I complained to Draco.

"Only a non-existing were-wolf would do that, since-" Draco cut off and...

Future. Professor Lupin is a were-wolf. How the hell did that happen? That's why he's scared of full moons, I knew it, I knew it. Well actually I don't know. But i'm scared of wolves, I fear them.


"Draco!" I shouted and he flinched. "Sorry."

"What is it?" He asked.

"Professor Lupin is a were-wolf." I whispered.

"He isn't. He's our professor in Defense Against Dark Arts."

"He is! Why would a normal person be scared of a stupid full moon?" I asked and continued, "It's beautiful to look at, so why be scared of it?"

"He has reasons, Lily." Draco calmed me down.

"But that's what I saw. He's a were-wolf, I can't believe it." It's the best not to tell this to Harry about it. Besides he wouldn't believe me anyway.

Draco and I walked outside hand-in-hand talking about going to Hogsmeade to change the topic about Professor Lupin. He would only say that he's just normal D.A.D.A professor.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade?" Draco asked.

"Well, of course but i'm gonna be with the trio at that time."

"Oh, I was hoping you could join us. Well, that's fine I guess." Draco said disappointed.

"Now how about this, i'll come with them at Hogsmeade but maybe we can spend time together during Christmas or whatever. Your choice."

"That'll be a great idea." Draco finally smiled.

"I'll go now, i'm gonna get ready." I kissed him on the cheek and wave goodbye.

I run to Harry, Ron and Mione who is going to the common room.

"Hey guys."

"Hey, ready for Hogsmeade?" Mione asked excitedly.

"Definitely." I answered.

"Are you coming Ron? Harry?" I continued. "Yup, definitely." Ron answered but Harry didn't. Oh yeah, it has to be signed by a parent.

"That's okay Harry, I can just stay here if you want. To keep you company?" I suggested.

"No, that's okay. Are you going with them or Malfoy?" He asked me.

"Oh, i'll be with these guys. I'll be spending Christmas at Malfoy's." I smiled.

Mione and I went to the girl's dormitory to get ready. But one thing I remembered is, we've got to tell Professor Dumbledore about Sirius Black.

"Remember the thing about Sirius? Attacking the fat lady?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"We have to tell Professor Dumbledore." I half-shouted.

"Oh yeah, I remember now."

"I'm gonna get Harry, you stay here okay? We'll tell Professor Dumbledore." I said an she nodded.

I ran and barge in to the boy's dormitory. Well, I didn't see much, you wouldn't want to know.

"Potter! We need to talk now!" I shouted as he walked out.

"I'll borrow him first." I said sweetly to the other boys and winked at them.

"What is your problem?"

"We've got to tell Dumbledore about Sirius Black." I shouted. I slapped him across the face and continued, "For shouting at me without a reason."

"You didn't have to." Harry said.

"Sorry, I just got used to it. I always slap Malfoy, that's why." And he just laughed at that thought.

We run to Professor Dumbledore's office, that we almost stumbled. Literally. Guess what? Harry believed in me.

"Professor, we've got to tell you something about Sirius Black." Harry said in between his fanting.

"Sorry to barge in like that sir but it is really important." I added.

"What is this about Sirius Black?"

"Sir, uhm, let's start with Lily first. She is not just a parselmouth but she can also read the future. I know it's really hard to believe in but it's infact true." Harry tried explaining.

"Read the future?" Dumbledore said.

"Yes, sir." I answered.

"I already know that about you Ms. Joe."

"I know it's hard to belie- did you say you already know? How is that sir?" I asked.

"It is obvious in the eyes, I believe it turns red when you read? I've got eyes all around the school and i'm your headmaster, I know everything." That made me laught a bit.

"Yes, she does it even in class. Actually awhile ago in divination." Harry said with a small laugh after. He believes in my abilities, I am so touched.

"Uhm, sir. That's why we're here. Sirius Black is to attack the fat lady by the gryffindor's common room door. It will be a sign of him being here." I explained.

"Yes, thank you. You may go now." Simple words and we followed him. I wonder why?

"Wonder what?" Saying thoughts again, out loud.

"Uhm, why did he let us go without saying another word after I told him about Sirius." I answered.

"He may already know, I guess?" Already know?


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