More Friendship Quotes

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*My best friend doesn't realise how much i need her.

*A true friend is hard to find, Difficult to forget and impossible to leave <3

*When it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead, you can always look beside you and your best friend will be there.

*So heres to the crap we talk

The guys we stalk

The way we shop

Laughs we can't stop

The gossip we spill

The looks that could kill

We'll stay together

Because we are bestfriends forever

*Twenty years from now i am gonna look back and remember that you were that one person who could turn every frown into a smile in a few simple words; that person who lifted my head when i was losing faith in myself; that one person who carried tears on her shoulder after every fight, every breakup, every death; that one person who accepted every decision i made, that one person who knew who i really was and the one person that made the biggest difference in my life... My best friend.

*Best Friends

We giggle, we love, we fight, we make up. But that's the past i just want you to know i will always be there for you.

*Many people walk in and out of your life but only true friends leave footprints.

*I don't want you in my life, i need you in my life.

You're not my friend, you're my best friend.

I don't like you, i love you!

And i'm glad i found you because i i'd be absolutely lost without you!

*The awkward moment when you and your best friend are talking about someone and they walk up and you stop talking really fast! And then they ask what you were talking about and all you do is laugh... While they stare at you.

*True friendship is when friends can walk in opposite directions and yet remain side by side.

*Your best friends are those who speak well of you behind your back.

*You are my friend, forever and ever. Besties for life, besties forever. We know each other well, you cheer me up when i'm sad, you are the best friend i've ever had.

*Memories last forever and never do they die. True friends stay together and never say goodbye.

*A true friend can see the tears pouring when others believe the smile you're faking.

*All the best memories are made today and laughed about tomorrow with your best friends.

*My best friend is like my sister; sometimes we fight and say we hate another but we can only stay like that for a day because one day feels like a million years! I love my best friend <3

*I might have other friends but no matter what, you will always be like my sister.

*So when you look at your friend and burst out laughing for no reason, you know that you have great friends.

*We didn't realise we were making memories...

We just knew that we were having fun. <3

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