Chapter 6: The Sickness

Start from the beginning

"It's not the moon." She said. "It's Mako."

"Why do you say that?" I asked in defense of the island.

"Zane got sick too. It was the same color."

"What if he caught it from me?" Bella asked her. This could possibly be true.

"Can someone please dry me off?" I asked again. I was starting to get uncomfortable. Rikki nodded her head and quickly steam dried me. We all gathered in my room. Rikki, Bella, and I sat on the bed while Lewis stood in the bathroom doorway.

"How do you catch a disease from an island?" I asked.

"Maybe it's part of it's healing process!" Lewis started. "Like a sort of defense. Maybe you only get it when your in the same underground cave as the moon pool since that's what was harmed."

"That's a good theory Lewis but me, you, Kim and Will haven't gotten sick." Rikki pointed out.

"Maybe we're immune." I jumped when Kim spoke from the doorway.

"This doesn't involve you Kim." I snapped at her.

"Actually it does. I'm one of you now, remember?" She sat down on my beanbag chair and showed no sign of leaving.

"Kim, do you remember what happened last night?" Lewis asked her.

"Yes. I do."


Kim screamed as Lewis fell to the floor in a heap. Cleo, Rikki, and Bella stood at the other end of the cave staring at her as Zane ran into the cave behind her.

"Kim? What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I came here with Lewis when he was following them here. What is wrong with them?" He was silent for a moment as he looked at Rikki as if looking for an answer.

"We're not human." Bella said as each of them took a step towards her.

"We are more powerful than you could every imagine." Rikki added while taking another step.

"And you shouldn't have come here!" Cleo yelled while pushing Kim into the water. Zane had tried to help her out, only to get his leg burned by Rikki. He sunk to the floor grasping his leg in pain.

Before she surfaced, Kim could feel the water starting to bubble around her. When she finally reached the surface of the rolling bubbles, she gasped for air. Only a few seconds later, the magic began passing the through her and leaving the magical abilities through out the cells in her body. Will entered the cave just as the process finished.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. Will had never seen the 'mermaid process' and he did not know what was happening.

"Yeah I, I think so." Kim was now terrified.

Will turned around in time see Cleo and Rikki dive into the water. Just as Bella was about to follow, Will wrapped his arms around her. She started elbowing him in his stomach and chest. He let go and she quickly dived into the water and glided out through the underwater tunnel.

"We have to get them out of here and into Zane's boat." Will told Kim before picking up Lewis. Kim helped Zane keep his balance as they followed Will to the tunnel.

"This isn't going to work. We have to wait until he comes to." He let Lewis fall into the sand.

"How long will that take?" Zane asked as he leaned against the cold wall. Before Will could answer, Lewis started sitting up. He rubbed his head as he looked at the other three.

"What happened?" He asked Kim.

"You got hit by this, thing." Kim had never seen a water tentacle before and didn't really know how to explain what she saw.

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