Love Forevermore

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Thursday, I go to school with a Power of the Pen Tournament later in the day. But today hasn't treated me so well. I have come down with a severe stomach bug. I decided to suck it up and go to the tournament anyways. After the two hour bus ride down, we arrived at the college campus where the tournament was to be held. We went to the lobby center to sign in, and then that's when fate decided to show up. There she was, with her team. She stood in the middle, with her beautiful eyes widened at the sight of I. She put her hand over her mouth in amazement and just smiled under her hand. I just stood there, stopped talking and just smiled at her awkwardly. It seemed when we saw each other, little blue sparks rushed around on the floor, bringing us together in a taboo way. We walked around her group and our eyes just followed. We walked into the bookstore in the lobby and I rushed inside, started pacing around and though, "What do I say?" I wore a hat that day, like the one from Back to the Future 2, and I randomly gave it to my friend. She and her group walked into the store and she stole my hat as I paced around the store. Then she disappeared.

I now had to go find her and my hat. I found her in the sitting area of the lobby. I went over and sat on the large leather couch. She sat  on the coffee table across from me and just stared at me. I looked up and our eyes met. She uttered a small, "Hi". She smiled so perfectly and just looked so beautiful. I couldn't help but smile back and say the same thing. We sat and talked for awhile and then we went off to the outside. We ran around and went to other little places. We went back inside and went to the downstairs area. She had to leave, but I stayed with my team and went to the rec room to play some pool. I ended playing pretty good, but I still suck. I waited until she got back, so she could join me. I went to the jukebox and played a couple good songs, including some Journey. She eventually joined me for around 15 minutes, then it was my turn to leave. I left the rec room to leave for a meeting I don't really need to go to. I asked my Power of the Pen coach if I could stay here at the rec room with her. She said yes, so I ran back in to meet up with her. She was so excited and we left to go outside to the college football field. It was I, her, and 2 of her friends. We walked and talked for awhile. Then she offered me her hand, which I accepted. Her hand felt so soft, and she gripped mine tight. We walked all the way across the football field and made our way to the high jump area of the track around the football field. We jumped hurdles and high jump for awhile an laughed together. It was magical. We worked our way back across the field, her hand in mine.

We returned to the lobby center and I had to go for sure now. We hugged each other for the second time and my team and I headed back to the hotel we were staying at. Hugging her felt so amazing. I swear, I could feel her heartbeat in sync with mine.

In 3 hours, we would head off to the annual dance held for competitors. It had started to rain, and my stomach pain was returning. The usual outdoor dance was now transferred inside due to inclement weather. When I arrived at the dance, I was looking around for her. She wasn't there yet, so I had to wait. The inside dance was real boring. Just a bunch of annoying, desperate teens dancing around to shitty club music. When she arrived, we met up and she danced with me a little. She moved with the swiftness of cheetah and the grace of a gazelle. She wore a vintage Transformers sleeveless t shirt, so great. My stomach pain grew immensely, and I decided to move out of the dance and into the outside room.

I sat down and she tried to comfort me, which indeed did help. But I needed something more than my lovers comfort. One of her friends offered me some ibuprofen medication. I gladly accepted, but we needed to walk half-way across campus just to get to their dorm rooms (where they stayed at) to get the meds.

The temperature dropped outside and the damp rainy weather made the trek worse. I held her hand once more, and I shivered many times. We got to the dorms and she gave me the medication. We went back to the lobby area. We went up to the dance again, and I updated my friend what had just happened. I told them that my love and I were going to go downstairs and sit. As we went down, we found a dark empty room where I lay on the floor and she sat up against the back of a chair. We sat in complete silence for around 10 minutes. I sat up and said that we should go back outside and walk around. We went upstairs to tell our friends where we were going. But before we could leave, I asked a favor of her. A simple picture with her. I got my wish, her pretty face next to mine. She wrapped her arms around me and I grasped her tightly wrapped arms with my hands. Her smile was perfect, and I just looked completely awkward. We looked so cute together in our picture. Then we headed outside for the last time. We grasped our hands together tightly, intertwining our fingers. We walked outside, near the football field. We sat on some rocks and just talked for a while. About family and some other things. The we held our hands together again. In the cold, I started to shiver real bad, and she immediately took notice. She took off her jacket and gave it to me. A neon blue and green nike jacket. "It shows an athletic side of me" I still continued to shiver, even with the jacket on. She held me, and I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. She instantly warmed me up. We decided to go back inside and get our friends to go play truth or dare (nothing bad) in that quiet room that her and I were in earlier. My stomach was feeling off, so she said that we all needed to distract me by playing this game to get my mind off my stomach. We sat and dared each other stupid things and put out some embarrassing truths. After about 10 minutes of our game, she turned to face me. She looked at me with those pleading eyes and asked me to follow her. She got up from her chair and I followed behind. One of her friends followed behind us and she just shooed away her friend. I stood at the right side of the hallway, when she stood at the left side. I looked at the floor for a bit, then looked up at her. She had that beautiful smile  on her wonderful face. She made herself parallel to me and she spoke. "I want to distract you."

She advanced on me slowly and tilted her head to the right. I knew what was coming. Her lips met mine and we kissed. We kissed in that hallway. Her arms went around my neck and mine around her waist. We passionately kissed for sometime. It felt like a thunderstorm around us. The lightning struck around us making an impenetrable shield. It felt like nothing could touch us.I could just kiss her forever. This was my first kiss and I intended it to be good. It was amazing. The lightning just sent little tingles throughout my body, connecting our heartbeats once more. That's when the shield was broken by some people walking out of a room down the hallway. We stopped and nonchalantly just stood against the wall. The tingle didn't leave my body. The lust didn't leave either. I just stared at the wall, and she uttered, "was that your first?" I just nodded my head. The magic was still keeping us together. We slowly walked back into the room where the game continued on for another 15 minutes. Then we had to leave. I had to leave her. I stood up and let everyone leave except her. She kissed me on the lips real quick, hugged me and when we retracted, she dragged her lips across my left cheek. We said our goodbyes and shed a few tears together. Then....we left.

Gryph, I just want you to know that I will love you forever and I will never forget that moment, no matter what happens. I love you soo much, and you will be know as my "Love forevermore"

J'aime la Fille Avec des Yeux Verte

Love, Mr. Perfect Adrian "Ponyboy" Yerdon

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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