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AN: This one is like a short story.

I heard them whisper as I walked down the hall.

"Look at her, she's so ugly"

"She's never getting a boyfriend."

I ducked my head and tried shutting them out, but it wasn't possible.

This is how it went everyday. You might say I got used to it, I haven't. No one can. No matter what, each time you hear those stinging words, it hurts as much as it did the first time.

The only consolation I got, was going to the park. The trees, the flowers, they don't judge me. The animals don't look at me with hatred.

That day too, I went to the park. As I walked around I heard a faint chirp.
I moved towards the direction of the voice. And then I saw it, a newborn bird, at the foot of a short tree, I could see the nest it must have fallen off from. It wasn't so high, so I could easily reach over to it.
I looked down at the chick, taking a moment to study it. It's beady eyes looked at me with curiosity and fear.
It had no feathers, just molds of skin. It looked so pure, so innocent.

As I bent down to pick it up and place it back in it's nest. I heard a high pitched voice behind me, "What is that ugly thing!?"
I turned around to see a girl looking over at the chick with disgust. She walked off, shooting the sweet thing a look of horror.
I turned back to the chick, "Ugly? No, you are beautiful."
After placing the chick back in it's nest, I wondered, wasn't it funny? One little bird, two people and both saw it in a different way.

Was I a little bird too? Maybe all those people are too hasty to judge me. Maybe there was someone out there I would look beautiful to.

Yes. That was it.

The next day as I walked into the school, the whispering started again.
But this time, I held my head high, for I knew I was not the girl these people saw, I was someone else.

But what? I don't know yet, but everyday I looked into the mirror, I saw a different person. Sometimes it was a funny girl who kept her jokes to herself, sometimes a short tempered girl with lots of love inside her.

So that's how it was. I was not what other people thought. I was what I wanted to be.

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