Third Petal: Blood-Stained Rose

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#JustWriteIt #horror

The horrible creature that is now following me around is once a human. A lovely girl, in fact. Her name was Rosalie. We went to high school together, and I had a crush on her. Well, almost every guy at school did. She was the popular girl, the kind who had both brain and beauty. And I was just a nerd, the kind who had a close relationship with his computer. Naturally, she didn't even know I existed. Or so I thought.

One day, my brother came home, bringing a girl with him, introducing her as his girlfriend. And it's Rosalie.

My brother was 20 years old then, already studying law in a prestigious university. I never knew how they met and I never asked, it's none of my business. I always considered it a coincidence, until I learned otherwise.

A year later, I was a freshman in college, and our parents made a terrible decision of going to a war zone in middle east, saying they would cover some great news there. Instead, they got killed. I wondered if they even realized that their press ID couldn't protect them from being kidnapped and held hostages, and then killed. Perhaps also being tortured before they died. We never knew what truly happened to them because we never got their bodies back, and had to hold a funeral with two empty coffins.

After that, Rosalie moved into the house. My brother said she would help around the house because we couldn't afford a housekeeper and he couldn't be bothered to sell it. He got very busy with his study and could't spend much time at home.

It didn't take long for me to notice that Rosalie's attitude towards me was different when my brother wasn't around. I might not be the most perceptive guy, but I knew when a girl was making advances. And I knew it wasn't right, but... heck, she was beautiful and could be very... persuasive. She said she had been in love with me since high school, but didn't have the guts to approach me. She also said that she started a relationship with my brother just to get close to me. God. What was I supposed to feel about that?

In the end, I couldn't bear to betray my own brother, so I began to avoid Rosalie. I spent more time at the computer lab in my campus. But she became very possessive. She always texted and called my phone; asking where I was, who I was with, and what I was doing. It was annoying.

Things got real ugly when she found out I was seeing another girl. She freaked out, demanded me to leave the girl or she would kill herself. I ignored her because it wasn't the first time she used that threat on me. I thought she was just bluffing. Well, I should have known better.

That day, I went home to a house full of cops. I remembered finding my brother sat on the sofa, crying silently. A policeman told me Rosalie was dead. She jumped from the window in the attic. Later it was found out that she didn't die from the fall, but from the lost of blood. I shuddered, thinking about how she lied there, broken and bleeding, waiting for the death to come and take her away. It was concluded that she committed suicide.

My brother was devastated, but he never learned about the affair between Rosalie and I. I saw no point in telling him about it. It would only hurt him more.

After the incident, and after my brother graduated and got a job in a law firm, we finally sold the house. We moved to separate apartments. He wanted a place close to his office, and I wanted a place close to my campus.

A few days after I moved into a new place, I realized I wasn't totally alone. Things would move on their own when I wasn't looking. Dark shadows moving in the corners of my eyes. At first I thought the place was haunted, so I wasted no time to find a new apartment. But the same thing happened again. Everyday, it got worse. Every night, I heard a scratching sound on the walls, and a woman's screaming. I almost never had a proper sleep.

I wasn't a superstitious person, and dealing with irrational things drove me crazy. So I decided to seek help from a paranormal that I found online. I doubted her credibility, but I didn't have a choice, since she's the only paranormal resided nearby. When I came to visit her, she said a terrifying creature had latched itself to me, but she couldn't clearly see the identity of the creature. It was necessary to know your enemy before you tried to get rid of it, was what she said. She then asked me to give her more time, and to leave a personal article to help her connect with the creature. I left my spectacles, which I only wore when I had to work in front of the computer.

The next day, I came back. I rang her door bell for about ten minutes, but there was no response. I tried to look through the window, but it was too dark to see anything. Somehow I had a bad feeling about this. I went around and tried the back door. It was locked too, but the window nearby was not properly shut. After some efforts to pry it open, I succeeded. The next moment, I climbed inside and found myself in a neat kitchen. I made my way to the living room, where I had a consultation with her the day before.

The temperature got colder as soon as I stepped inside the room. I spotted her instantly, sitting on her big chair, back facing me. She was very still, so I approached her. There must be something strewn on the floor, because there was a crunching sound every time I took a step. I didn't bother to look what it was, because the room was quite dark due to all the curtains being drawn.

I felt more anger than pity when I saw her lifeless form. She had my spectacles on. The lenses were cracked, and behind them, two wide opened eyes staring into nothingness. Her mouth was wide opened as well, stuffed with something. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was rose petals... All withered.


Okay. I got the message, you bitch.

Disclaimer: Pic found on Pinterest & Tumblr, creator unknown.

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