Chapter 2: In a New and Unfamiliar Environment

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"Can you please help me find a parking space? This place is jam-packed," my dad requested. "Sure, Dad. I can't wait to get out of this car and get Quixotic into his new stall. He'll be so happy!" Quixotic was my 16.2-hand, bay, Dutch Warmblood gelding that I got at the beginning of 6th grade. Now that I'm entering 7th grade, it will be almost a year that I've had him.  

"Look! There's one right there, Dad!" I pointed out an extremely rare empty parking space in the stable's  lot. "Thanks, honey," my dad replied.  I was practically out of the car before it came to a complete stop. My Tredstep Donatello boots hit the gravel and it was hard to contain myself. But if I ran to the trailer, I would probably spook Quix (my nickname for Quixotic), which could possibly hurt him.

 I was wearing my Tailored Sportsmans and my navy Joules polo. I wanted to look professional, but didn't want to ruin my Pikeurs and Parlantis, which I usually showed in. I unlatched the back of the trailer and ran my hand along Quixotic's body as I entered the trailer, talking to him so he knew where I was and wouldn't get spooked. I clipped a royal blue, light blue, and white (our barn colors) lead rope to his shipping halter and gently pushed against the front of his shoulder to back him up.  He was such a good boy; he unloaded with barely any hesitation, unlike how most horses would react, especially in a new and unfamiliar environment. 

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