Chapter 1: I, Allison Cooper

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As my dad's black Escalade rolled through the wrought-iron gate with the Lakebury Academy crest on it, I felt a jumble of emotions: excited, nervous, scared, eager, sad, ecstatic, proud. Lakebury was the most prestigious school on the whole eastern seaboard, and I, Allison Cooper, was officially a Lakebury Academy student.  

I could barely focus on only one thing around me for more than 2 seconds. The rolling Masachussetts hills, the grand oak trees lining the slightly winding road, the manicured lawns, the breathtaking brick buildings in the distance; my eyes flitted from one thing to another.  

We followed the signs that said Stables and took the left side of a fork in the road.  We drove for about 100 yards and then paddocks started to line the road, a little bit of a distance away so that the pastures weren't right against the road.  The long line of cars in front of me obstructed my view, so I had to crane my neck to see the entire stable.  "Wow! Mom, Dad look! The stables are even more beautiful than the pictures online!" I exclaimed.  The outside was painted a creamy white with tan trim.  Every horse's stall had an arched window framed by black shutters in it, giving the horse a view to the outside.  There was a big, arched entry way on each side of the barn.  About three quarters of the way down, it was made of stone.  My mom turned around to face me in the back seat. "Yes, Allison, they are breathtaking. And you get to experience them because you worked so hard to get here.  Sweetie, I'm so proud of you." "Thank you, Mom." I said with a not-surprised smile.  My parents were always telling me how proud they were of my grades. Yes, I was coming to Lakebury for it's rigorous academics, but more importantly, for it's nationally-recognized equestrian program.

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