The Meeting Part 2

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Where we left off......
Then someone went in.....
Now the continuation!

Grunkle Ford, Dipper and Mabel all Gasp "Gasp who is that?!" Mabel said "He looks strange but cute"she said. Then Wander said "Hello! Folks call me Wander What are your Names?" He asked excitedly
"Hi I'm Dipper Pines and my twin sister"
"Hello! I'm Mabel Pines and I like your hat! The star in your hat looks like my shooting star on my sweaters!" "And I am Grunkle Ford just call me Ford." "Pleasure to meet you all!" Wander said with Joy,"Anyways where am I?" Wander questioned "Oh you are in the Mystery Shack" Dipper said. "Grunkle Ford can we keep him please!" Mabel asked
"Sure as long as you keep him safe" Sir yes Sir! She said "Okay then its time to show your new friends with Dipper Clear?"  "Yup!" Dipper and Mabel said.

Wander's POV
"Wow this so Exciting! Now I can meet more and more friends!" And I asked the Pine Twins "How old are you guys?" 12," they both said,"okay" I replied. "HEY GUYS WE HAVE A NEW FRIEND!" Mabel shouted
"Who is it dude?" someone asked
Then Mabel said "This Wander, Wander this is Soos," Hey Dude" "Hi" I replied. Then in the counter their is a girl with Red hair reading a magazine,"Hey Wendy this is Wander,Wander this is Wendy." Hey nice hat, "thanks" I said. After the introduction we decided to have a walk in the forest

I hope you enjoyed it I'll continue it tomorrow cya :)

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