A Day With Jennifer Morrison

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I woke up to my alarm blaring at me from my bedside table and for once I was happy to get up early, because today was a very special day for me. Today I get to spend a day with an extremely nice and beautiful woman, I was going to be spending the day with Jennifer Morrison from Once Upon A Time. I stopped my alarm and got out of bed before stretching to wake up my limbs, I had slept naked as it had been an extremely hot night so I just walked straight into the shower. After quickly washing my body and my hair I swiftly dried myself before picking out my outfit for the day, I decided to wear a grey bra and pantie set with dark purple leggings. As a final touch I picked out my newly arrived Dark Swan shirt.

Just as I finished dressing there was a knock on my front door so I hurried downstairs and as I opened it there she stood: my blonde bombshell of a celebrity crush that was Jennifer Morrison. "Hey it's Pihla right?" She asked me in that lovely Canadian voice that simply made me want to melt. "H-hi there Jen yeah it's Pihla." I managed to stumble out as I took in her beauty. She smiled at me before pulling me in for a hug and I started crying as this was the best day of my life so far, "I'm so glad this day happened as I've wanted to meet you for so long. Sorry I'm making your shoulder wet." I went red with embarrassment as she laughed at me  before inviting her in.

"Hey Jen would you like something to drink? I have tea, coffee, hot chocolate or a cold drink if you prefer?" Jen sat down tapping her chin with a finger before saying "can I have a cup of tea please? Vanilla if you have it if not then just regular is fine thank you." Her smile light up the room brighter than any fire ever could. "I love vanilla tea! Two cups coming up." I said with a joyous note in my voice. As I put the kettle on I sat back down opposite her but Jen simply shook her head and sat down right next to me to put her arm around my shoulders, "so then where shall we go?" She asked me with a smile on her face. I stuttered slightly and my original Finnish accent started coming through much to my embarrassment. "That's a cute accent Pihla what is it Finnish by any chance?" I was utterly astounded that she had gotten my home correct within one guess. "Um yes it is but how'd you guess that??" I answered rather bewildered. Jen simply smiled at me and said, "well my ex girlfriend was Finnish and her accent was quite similar to yours so it wasn't that hard for me to guess."

We finished our tea and then I thought about going to an amusement park so I mentioned it to her, "hey Jen do you want to go to an amusement park? As I'd really love to go to one with you while I've got the chance." In answer Jen simply stood up an grabbed her hat before grinning at me, "I'd love to, I haven't been to an amusement park in quite some time. Now let's go!" She led me out to her car which was a brand new gleaming white Audi A3 and it looked absolutely stunning, "damn Jen this is one hell of a nice car!" She smirked at me before saying "yup I know, want to drive her?" I near fainted as I'd always wanted to drive one but never had the money to afford one as living in the U.S was extremely expensive. "I'd love to! Let's go please!" I quickly said before she could change her mind.

We arrived at my all time favourite theme park. Once upon a time world. Jen simply shook her head trying not to laugh at my choice of theme park. "Ok let's go my dear little Finn." We managed to get in for free and ahead of everyone else as the security guard recognised Jen. "Let's go on the swans revenge first!" I almost shouted bouncing up and down like a five year old with no shame whatsoever, "hahaha ok yes let's go on my revenge." Jen said giving in to the laughter that was tickling her sides. We must have been on just about every ride in the park at least twice when the security guard found us "excuse me miss Morrison? We're about to close up now so I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave along with your companion." He said carefully but politely knowing that a word from Jen could get him fired faster than the speed of light. "That's fine Henry we're going now. Come on Pihla let's go, by the way can I stay with you tonight? As I want to have a drink with you but I'm not going to drink drive." I could hardly believe my ears. Jennifer Morrison the dark swan herself just asked to stay with me at my house. Could this day get any better??

We went home and after several hours of meaningless giggly chatter from two and a half empty wine bottles, we decided to head to bed. "Hey Pihla um is it ok if I sleep naked? As I usually only sleep in my underwear but it's really hot and so are you so I don't want to overheat." I was utterly astounded. I just got called hot by my celebrity crush! "Oh yeah of course no problem at all I've been sleeping nude a lot lately anyway as it's too hot to wear clothes anyway." With that being said we both completely stripped and I saw that she had a little strip of blonde curls on her womanhood, "like what you see?" She teased and I blushed as I knew I'd been caught staring, "not my fault you're hot enough to melt Finland and Russia together in winter." Jen simply laughed and got into bed, I climbed into bed behind her before wrapping my arm over her. My hand rested on her boob and we fell asleep that way, snuggled together.

A day with Jennifer MorrisonWhere stories live. Discover now