Chapter 19

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Garroths pov
"I am sorry. And I got the fear vibe that they knew."
" long until we find the location and before they die."
"A few months for both"
"Ok....then Amy is staying with me for a while. Until this family is brought back together." I stormed off the the guard tower. Only a few more months before they die? No, no. My Sophe is strong. I spotted Amethyst and Nekoette tan playing in the meadow.
"Hi daddy!"
"Hey sweetie."
" look sad. What's wrong?"
"N-nothing Amy." She gave me the look like 'really dad?' But I ignored the look.
She suddenly put her hand on my head and started to squint. "Um....what are you doing?"
"I will tell you later." She says as she stops. Ok. That was weird. "I am going to that guard tower in you need me." I kissed her forehead as I left. What am I going to tell her? That her mother and Aunt are going to die? Ugh.

Sophie pov
Yes, yes. She's gone. Now she doesn't have to worry. I looked into Ash's eyes and I knew she was thinking the same thing. "That was the best birthday party we ever had. Even if we have stated here for 5 years, you don't look A day over 19." Said Ash.
"I can't age."
"What?! Is that an Irene thing?"
"No. Garroth and I can't age until someone kills us of u till we find each other. So we can stay young for years,"
"Lucky. I wish Castor could cast a spell on me....."
I remember the first time we meet, some guy called the Chicken Shamon loves her, and she loves him. I hate seeing her sad.
"HELLO LADIES!" A voice suddenly boomed. Crap. It was Zane.
"Oh hello Zane!" Ash says sarcastically
"Save it. Now, where is my baby girl?"
Ash and I exchanged worried glances. Suddenly, from out of the shadows a guy came and knocked him out. I was trying so hard no to laugh. And was Ash. "Come with me ladies"
Ash started to follow. "Wait, what if he takes us to another trap?"
"Excuse me, but what is your name?" Asked Ash
"I am the-guy-with-no-name" he quoted. He knew about Ash's past. "We can get out!" She said delightedly. Now I trust him. We ran out on the beach.
"Sophia, make the waves into a wall around the sand." So I did, and he made a portal appear.
"What about you?"
"I have my ways to stay alive" I could tell he winked. We went through. It was white at first, then we saw the ruins of LunaLight.
"Oh Irene." Said Ash. This was the same exact place I woke up 5, Almost 6, years ago.
"Do you know the way back to your village?"
God, it has been so long. Just then the smell of sweet cake came from a distance. Kawaii chan cake's to be exact. I turned to tell Ash but she was on the ground, clutching her stomach. The disease was setting into her system. She was going to die if we didn't get back to Pheonix Drop. "Ash! Come on! We have to get there!"
"G-go on.....with....out me."
I scoped her up, wedding style, and started to run. She was heavy but this could save her life.
Time skip
We were just at the foot of the gates. I saw my baby and Nekoette playing
"SOPHIE!" I heard a familiar voice. My husband Garroth. I smiled brightly, just as nausea hit me like a brick. I fell and dropped Ash. I has clutching my stomach as well. Garroth. He was hear. I saw his blue eyes before my world went dark.
Garroth pov
I saw her caring a women. Another descendent of Irene, I presume. I couldn't help myself. And Amy yelled as well "SOPHIE!" I got down from the guard tower...oh no. She was clutching her stomach. She was crying. "Mommy?!" Amethyst was running towards her. "KAWAII CHAN! TAKE AMY TO YOUR HOUSE!" Kawaii chan had to forcefully bring her into the house. While she was being taken away she yelled "I CAN HEAL HER! I HEALED NEKOETTE!" I ignored her. I scoped up my wife
"Yes. It is me love."
She smiled. She knew she was home. The other women was cared by Laurence. I heard him say
"Don't worry Ash."
Was Ash an old friend of Castor and Laurence? I don't know. We ran to Aphmau's house
"OH MY IRENE! SOPHIE! Sophie?" Said Aphmau. I placed her in the bed and Ash was placed in the same bed as well.
Zoey ran in, she was caring a bunch of bottles. Malichi was right at her heals.
"I studied this...only a Descendant of Irene with light powers can heal her."
" I just saw he again for 5 years"
"I can heal her."
Amethyst was behind me. Her cheeks were stained red from crying.
"Nekoette fell earlier. She scraped her knee. I touched her knee to see if it was ok and a light came from m hand was gone."
"It is true." Said Nekoette showing her knee. Her more was behind her.
"Kawaii chan is so sorry. She found a way out."
Amethyst walked up to Sophie and Ash.
"Please let this work." I heard her whisper a prayer. Suddenly the room was blinded by a light. When the light was gone..Sophie and Ash were fluttering their eyelids. "Sophie?" I smiled I was crying.
"Garroth" we ran to hug each other. We kissed for a long moment.
"Mom. Dad." Amethyst said, joining the hug and kisses. The women, Ash, stood up. Sophie broke from the hug. "T-thank you saved me."
They gave each other a hug. When Castor broke into the room.
"STOP HIM!" Ordered Aphmau.
"Castor!" Cried Ash
They embraced in a hug then a kiss.
"Oh" said Aphmau.
"Don't ever leave me again"

Time skip
Third person
The village celebrated. For Sophie was back with her family and friends. Ash and Castor went back to the Metil swamp. Sophie said her goodbyes and said she would see them soon. Amethyst had loads of new friends. Sophie even saw Kiki's new baby.
"She is so cute!"
Zane would never bother them again thanks to the-guy-with-no-name. The village was happy. And it stayed happy for a very long time.

Just a kiss.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora