Chapter 2 "Bra size"

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I jumped out of bed so fast I almost fell on the floor. I never hear my alarm until it goes off for like the 10th time so then of course I end up being shocked and confused then I also end up being late. I got up and put the clothes on that I had picked out the night before. A floral crop top and a pair of high waisted jean shorts and my Chuck Taylor's. Let's just say I wear them with everything!
    "Dylan." I heard Claire say as she burst into my room.
   "Um is anyone gonna do something about the stranger in my room?" I joked.

  "HOE STFU," she sang? "we have to leave soon."

I did my hair up into a bun and finished doing my makeup of course, grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen and left.  My dad had already left and my mom was in the driveway. "Bye mom" I said as I went into Claire's car.
"Bye Karen!" Said Claire
"See ya later girls."
It's first period ughhh I have English first. Jeez I hate this lady so much. She never stops talking. I mean I know it's English but gosh shut up.
"Ms. Lyle,what page are we suppose to do?" This Kid named Kyle asks.

"Well you see in the military we couldn't ask questions," she goes on to say " we couldn't use the bathroom as much as we would like, we-" she gets cut off.

"Never mind I got the answer." He sounds so annoyed and it makes me laugh.
The bell finally rang and it was time for gym. Yes gym, I also had to change. It's literally the second day of school omg could my life get any worse.
I make my way to the girl's locker room, changing pretty much consisted of girls talking about their bra size and boys.
I finally get changed and make my way to the gym. I'm on my phone because I hate socializing with people and as I'm walking around the corner, fuck I hit up into this guy.

"OMG I'm so sorry," he says while running his fingers through his curly hair "are you okay,"

" Yeah, totally fine, it's not like I just crashed into this random guy." I say.

He chuckles. " Its Greyson," he says " Grey ,you can call me grey."

"Dylan," I say " I'd rather not call you grey,Greyson is fine."

It actually really was fine I like to call boys by their full names I don't know why, it just seems more formal.
"Ha, you're cute." He says

"Hmmm, I'd have to take a better look at you." I say totally ignoring the fact that he was hot.

"See you around?"
"Yeah, sure."
My mind was filled with thoughts. He looks new. Is he new? I wonder if he's new. He must be new I've never seen him before.

I finally get to gym class we pretty much changed for nothing because all we did was sit in the bleachers and talk.
"So there's this new guy named Greyson," I hear one of the girls saying. " he's so cuteee omg."
Yup. I said to myself he's not bad looking.

We get to lunch and I'm the first at the table as usual so I wait for the other girls.

I turn around to see Greyson standing behind me.
His first words come out as undecided.
"Hey uhhh hi."
"Hi." I say
"How's it-"
"Where are you from?" I ask cutting him off.
"Where are you from, you're new here right? Where did you move from."
"Ohhh, Washington." He replies
" Cool I've been there about twice. " I say trying to make conversation before I was rudely interrupted by one of my friends Katelyn.
"Sup girlie." She says
Soon everyone is at the table and we just sit there.
"Oh guys, this is Greyson he's new here."
"Hey guys."
"Oh wait you're in my History class." Claire says.

We get lunch and we just sit and talk about school, ughhh and stuff we did over the summer.
Greyson's okay he seems cool enough to be my friend, because I'm cool right? Yup, I know.

Heyo peeps Chapter 2!!! CHAPTER 2 is done. Hope you guys enjoy.

Don't be silent, tell me what ya think man.
I'll probably have chapter 3 done a little later in the week. SCHOOL! 😭

-RheaTeal 💋

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